CivicsMain significance of Belgium Model of power sharing is

Main significance of Belgium Model of power sharing is

  1. A
    Equal representation in the government to the major socio-linguistic groups
  2. B
    Recognition accorded to French as the official language
  3. C
    Community government established only for the French speaking minority
  4. D
    None of the above 

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    The Belgium power-sharing model is significant as it provided equal representation to the major socio-linguistic groups in the country, that is, the French and the Dutch. This means that the number of French and Dutch ministers was equivalent in the central government. No single linguistic group could make unilateral decisions for the country. It even set up a separate government in Brussels for the equal representation of communities. Moreover, a  provision of community government was put in place wherein people of one linguistic community elected their community government to take decisions on the cultural, linguistic and educational matters for that community.
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