CivicsWhen we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to:

When we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to:

  1. A
    Biological difference between men and women.
  2. B
    Unequal roles assigned by society to men and women.
  3. C
    Unequal child sex ratio.
  4. D
    Absence of voting rights for women in democracies. 

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    Unequal roles assigned by society to men and women.
    Gender division is a social concept where men and women are assigned specific roles or functions. Gender differentiation is different from sex difference as sex is biological and natural, but gender is constructed by society and is based on social expectations and stereotypes. Gender functions are based on the sexual division of labour where a woman is restricted to household activities, and a man has to work outside and earn a living. For a long time, these roles were fixed, and the system was patriarchal, i.e. male-dominated and male-centred, as women were seen as inferior and their contribution was not recognized. But in modern times, women have challenged these systems and stereotypes of gendered roles.
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