economicsIn which sector most of the people are employed.

In which sector most of the people are employed.

  1. A
    Secondary sector
  2. B
    Primary sector
  3. C
    Tertiary sector
  4. D
    None of these 

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    In the Primary sector, most people are employed.
    Considering that most workers were unable to find employment in other sectors, the primary industry employs the majority of people. Despite a more than nine-fold increase in industrial output or product production during this time, employment in the sector increased by about three times. The tertiary sector also fits this description. In contrast to a 14-fold increase in production, the service sector saw a five-fold increase in employment. Because of this, the primary industry—primarily agriculture—which generates less than one-sixth of the nation's GDP—employs more than half of its workforce. In contrast, the secondary and tertiary sectors produce the remaining goods while only hiring slightly more than half the workforce.
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