Consider the region S of complex numbers a such that z2−az+1=1, where |z| = 1. Then area of S in the Argand plane is

Consider the region S of complex numbers a such that z2az+1=1, where |z| = 1. Then area of S in the Argand plane is

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Given |z| = 1.

    and z2az+1=1


     az+1z=1                     (1)

    Now, z=cosθ+isinθ


    So, (1) reduces to


    So, locus of a is circle whose center is (2cosθ, 0) and radius is 1.

    Since, 22cosθ2, we have following region traced by the locus of a.

    As shown in the figure the set S consists of the locus of units circles centered at a point on the line segment with end points at -2 and 2 on the Argand plane. Therefore, the area S consists of the area of two semi circles and area of rectangle ABCD.

    So, the required area is π+8.

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