If the sides of a triangle are in AP, and the greatest angle of the triangle is double the smallest angle, the ratio of the sides of the triangle is

If the sides of a triangle are in AP, and the greatest angle of the triangle is double the smallest angle, the ratio of the sides of the triangle is

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Let the sides of the triangle be a-d, a and a+d, with a > d>0. 

    Clearly, a -d is the smallest side and a + d is the largest side. 

    So, A is the smallest angle and C is the largest angle. It is given that C = 2A. 

    Thus, the angles of the triangle are A, 2A and  π-3A. 

    Applying the law of sines, we obtain 



    Thus, the sides of the triangle are a-d, a, a + d    i.e. 4d, 5d, 6d.

    Hence, the ratio of the sides of the triangle is 4d :5d: 6d     i.e. 4:5:6.

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