MathematicsWhat would be the compound interest on Rs.5,000 at 4% per annum for 2 years compounded annually?

What would be the compound interest on Rs.5,000 at 4% per annum for 2 years compounded annually?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    We have been given,
    Principal =Rs. 5000 Rate =4% per annum
    Time =2 years Calculating the amount,
    A=P(1+R100)T Substituting the values,
    A=5000(1+4100)2 A=5000×(104100)2 A=Rs.5408 We know, compound interest is the difference of amount and price.
    So, Compound interest =A-P .
    Substituting the values,
    Rs.408 Therefore, the required value is Rs. 408.
    Hence, option 4 is correct.
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