The difference between the apparent frequency of a source of sound as perceived by an observer during its approach and recession is 2% of the natural frequency of the source. lf the velocity of sound in air is 300 m/sec, the velocity of the source is (It is given that velocity of source << velocity of sound)

The difference between the apparent frequency of a source of sound as perceived by an observer during its approach and recession is 2% of the natural frequency of the source. lf the velocity of sound in air is 300 m/sec, the velocity of the source is (It is given that velocity of source << velocity of sound)

  1. A

    6 m/sec

  2. B

    3 m/sec

  3. C

    1.5 m/sec

  4. D

    12 m/sec

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    When the source approaches the observer

    Apparent frequency n' = vv-vs.n = n[11-vsv]

                                           = n[1-vsv]1 = n[1+vsv]

    (Neglecting higher powers because vs <<v)

    When the source recedes the observed apparent frequency

    n" = n[1-vsv]

    Given n'-n" = 2100n, v = 300 m/sec

     2100n = n[1+vsv] -n[1-vsv] = n[2vsv]

    2100=2vsv vs = v100 = 300100 = 3 m/sec

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