MathsStatistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14

Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14

CBSE Class 10 Maths Notes Chapter 14 Statistics

MEAN (AVERAGE): Mean [Ungrouped Data] – Mean of n observations, x1, x2, x3 … xn, is
Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 1

MEAN [Grouped Data]: The mean for grouped data can be found by the following three methods:
(i) Direct Mean Method:
Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 2
Class Mark = \(\frac { Upper\quad Class\quad Limit+Lower\quad Class\quad Limit }{ 2 }\)

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    Note: Frequency of a class is centred at its mid-point called class mark.

    (ii) Assumed Mean Method: In this, an arbitrary mean ‘a’ is chosen which is called, ‘assumed mean’, somewhere in the middle of all the values of x.
    Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 3
    …[where di = (xi – a)]

    (iii) Step Deviation Method:
    Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 4
    ….. [where \({ u }_{ i }=\frac { { d }_{ i } }{ h }\) , where h is a common divisor of di]

    MEDIAN: Median is a measure of central tendency which gives the value of the middle-most observation in the data.
    Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 5
    …where[l = Lower limit of median class; n = Number of observations; f = Frequency of median class; c.f. = Cumulative frequency of preceding class; h = Class size]

    (iii) Representing a cumulative frequency distribution graphically as a cumulative frequency curve, or an ogive of the less than type and of the more than type. The median of grouped data can be obtained graphically as the x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the two ogives for this data.

    (i) Ungrouped Data: The value of the observation having maximum frequency is the mode.
    (ii) Grouped Data:
    Statistics Class 10 Notes Maths Chapter 14 6
    …where[l = Lower limit of modal class; f1 = Frequency of modal class; f0 = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class; f2 = Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class; h = Size of class interval. c.f. = Cumulative frequency of preceding class; h = Class size]

    Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean
    Median = \(\frac { Mode+2Mean }{ 3 }\)
    Mean = \(\frac { 3Median-Mode }{ 2 }\)

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