TechnologyWhat is Linux? – Commands, Examples, Operating System, and More

What is Linux? – Commands, Examples, Operating System, and More

What is Linux?

An open-source operating system (OS) is called Linux. The software that controls a machine’s hardware and resources—such as CPU, memory, and storage—is called an operating system. The operating system establishes links between all of your software and the actual hardware that performs the work, sitting between apps and hardware. Lovable Intellect Not Using XP is the complete form of LINUX. Linus Torvalds created Linux, which bears his name. For use on PCs, servers, mainframes, mobile phones, and embedded systems, Linux is an open-source operating system.

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    Linux is an operating system that runs on a variety of devices and is compatible with almost every type of file. It is a multi-program operating system that guarantees that multiple users with different access rights can use the same tool and many applications can run on it simultaneously. Linux handles requests from device software and relays them to computer hardware. It is scalable, stable, safe, and serves a wide range of users in the community.

    Linux Commands

    Top 50 Linux Commands You Must Be Aware of A command-line program or tool is referred to as a Linux command. An interface that takes text lines and converts them into instructions for your computer is called a command line. A graphical user interface (GUI) is only a command-line application abstraction.

    A Linux command is a text-based directive that instructs the Linux operating system to execute or carry out a certain operation or job. By entering commands into a terminal, users can communicate with the system using the Linux command-line interface (CLI). From straightforward file operations to system administration and setup, these commands can handle a broad variety of jobs.

    They provide command-line system management and quick task completion for users. Strong command-line sequences can be created by combining commands, each of which has some options. For users who prefer text-based interactions with their systems, developers, and system administrators, the Linux command-line interface is an incredibly useful tool.

    Here are 50 Linux commands with brief explanations and examples:

    1. Is: List directory contents
      • Example: ls -l
    2. cd: Change the current directory
      • Example: cd /home/user
    3. pwd: Print working directory
      • Example: pwd
    4. mkdir: Make a new directory
      • Example: mkdir new_directory
    5. rmdir: Remove an empty directory
      • Example: rmdir directory_name
    6. cp: Copy files and directories
      • Example: cp file1 file2
    7. mv: Move or rename files and directories
      • Example: mv file1 file2
    8. rm: Remove files or directories
      • Example: rm file
    9. touch: Create an empty file
      • Example: touch file.txt
    10. cat: Concatenate and display file content
      • Example: cat file.txt
    11. more: Display output one screen at a time
      • Example: more file.txt
    12. less: Display output one screen at a time, with backward movement possible
      • Example: less file.txt
    13. head: Output the first part of files
      • Example: head file.txt
    14. tail: Output the last part of files
      • Example: tail file.txt
    15. grep: Search for a pattern in a file
      • Example: grep “pattern” file.txt
    16. find: Search for files in a directory hierarchy
      • Example: find /home -name “file.txt”
    17. chmod: Change the permissions of a file or directory
      • Example: chmod 755 file.txt
    18. chown: Change the owner of a file or directory
      • Example: chown user:group file.txt
    19. chgrp: Change the group ownership of a file or directory
      • Example: chgrp group file.txt
    20. tar: Archive files
      • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2
    21. gzip: Compress files
      • Example: gzip file.txt
    22. gunzip: Decompress files
      • Example: gunzip file.txt.gz
    23. ps: Display information about running processes
      • Example: ps aux
    24. kill: Terminate a process
      • Example: kill -9 PID
    25. top: Display and update sorted information about processes
      • Example: top
    26. df: Display disk space usage
      • Example: df -h
    27. du: Estimate file space usage
      • Example: du -h file.txt
    28. free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system
      • Example: free -h
    29. uname: Print system information
      • Example: uname -a
    30. ifconfig: Configure a network interface
      • Example: ifconfig eth0
    31. ping: Test a network connection
      • Example: ping
    32. ssh: Securely connect to a remote server
      • Example: ssh
    33. scp: Securely copy files between hosts
      • Example: scp file.txt
    34. wget: Download files from the web
      • Example: wget
    35. curl: Transfer data from or to a server
      • Example: curl -O
    36. date: Display or set the system date and time
      • Example: date
    37. cal: Display a calendar
      • Example: cal
    38. who: Show who is logged on
      • Example: who
    39. history: Display the command history
      • Example: history
    40. man: Display the manual of a command
      • Example: man ls
    41. sudo: Execute a command as the superuser
      • Example: sudo command
    42. apt-get: Command-line tool for handling packages
      • Example: apt-get install package_name
    43. yum: Package manager for Red Hat-based systems
      • Example: yum install package_name
    44. systemctl: Control the systemd system and service manager
      • Example: systemctl start service_name
    45. journalctl: Query the systemd journal
      • Example: journalctl -u service_name
    46. lsblk: List information about block devices
      • Example: lsblk
    47. mount: Mount a file system
      • Example: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
    48. umount: Unmount a mounted file system
      • Example: umount /mnt
    49. ip: Show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
      • Example: ip addr show
    50. shutdown: Shutdown or restart the system
      • Example: shutdown now

    These commands cover a wide range of basic and advanced tasks in Linux, and understanding them can be very useful for both beginners and experienced users.

    Linux Operating System

    Linux operating system is comparable to Unix in that all commands are carried out through a terminal that is provided by the system. This terminal is similar to the Windows operating system’s command prompt and is case-sensitive. Administrative operations such as package installation, file abuse, and user management can be completed through the use of the terminal.

    The Linux terminal is interactive in that it displays the output of commands that the user specifies and only executes commands after the user presses the Enter key. Every Linux OS version regulates hardware resources, opens and runs applications, and offers a user interface. Due to its vast developer community and variety of distributions, Linux is now used in many computer sectors and has a version available for nearly any task.

    They let users use the command line to regulate the system and complete tasks quickly. Every command has many options, and they can be coupled with other commands to generate powerful command-line sequences. For developers, system administrators, and users who want text-based interactions with their systems, the Linux command-line interface is an incredibly useful tool.

    Server OS is used for web servers, email servers, file servers, database servers, and other shared servers. Linux works well with all kinds of server applications since it is made to handle heavy-duty and multithreaded applications.

    Linux Distribution

    Linux has included the copyleft requirements of the Free Software Foundation, the organization that created the GNU GPL, since its inception. Anything that is modified and taken for free has to be given back for free, according to the GPL. In actuality, any new version of Linux that is developed or changed using GNU-licensed components has to be made available without charge.

    This stops a developer or other organizations from unfairly making money off of other people’s freely accessible work. The entertainment systems used by automakers now depend heavily on Linux. The Linux Foundation is hosting Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), an open-source software initiative that several automakers have joined. For instance, AGL is used in the entertainment systems of Toyota and Lexus automobiles.

    A lot of Linux distributions use a combination of corporate and community support, like Fedora from Red Hat, openSUSE from SUSE, and Ubuntu from Canonical. Community-developed distributions involve Debian, It, and Gentoo. Commercial distributions, like Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, are meant for enterprise use.

    The GNU GPL doesn’t forbid intellectual property, and copyrights are often held by the people who develop the various Linux components. These components are guaranteed to stay free and openly released by the GNU GPL. Value-added services, including maintenance or custom development services, are frequently charged for in certain commercial distributions even though the program is still free.

    Linux Ubuntu

    Ubuntu, a Debian-based distribution, is frequently regarded as the best option for first-time Linux users. Not only is Ubuntu widely used in desktop and personal computers, but it is also found in servers all over the internet. Ubuntu is unique in that it uses GNOME, or the GNU Network Object Model Environment, which is a graphical user interface and suite of Windows-like apps. Canonical, a group of developers, is responsible for maintaining Ubuntu. They provide new versions every six months and long-term support every two years. Along with a few basic games, Ubuntu comes pre-installed with a plethora of apps, such as LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Transmission. Using the APT package management system, more apps can be installed.


    In short, Linux is an established force in the computing world, especially in server environments and applications that are specialized. Its open-source natural world, strength, and adaptability make it a tempting choice for diverse users and use cases.

    Linux Related FAQs

    What is Linux?

    Linux is an operating system that runs on a variety of devices and is compatible with almost every type of file.

    What is a Linux operating system?

    The Linux operating system is comparable to Unix in that all commands are carried out through a terminal that is provided by the system.

    Why Linux is the most used?

    Linux's security, safety, and speed make it the best choice for server setup.

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