Introduction One of the most important discoveries made by science was the discovery of DNA. A deeper understanding of DNA […]
Gene Flow and Genetic Drift
Introduction Genetic flow and genetic erosion are two of the three most important processes involved in the evolution of species. […]
Darwin’s Contribution
Introduction Charles Darwin was an English scientist in the nineteenth century. Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) on evolution marks […]
Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution
Introduction The time when Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace first came up with evolutionary ideas has been a […]
Mechanism of Evolution Variation
Definition: The evolution of species from a few generations is known as evolution. It is also described as a process […]
Important Topic Of Biology: Binary Fission
Definition: It is a simple & common method of asexual reproduction. In this method, a single-celled organism divides into two […]
Rate Law and Specific Rate Constant
The rate constant, k, is a proportionality constant that shows how the molar concentration of reactants affects the rate […]
Depression of Freezing Point
Solidification, commonly known as freezing, is a phase transition in which a liquid becomes a solid when its temperature is […]
Important Topic of Chemistry: Osmotic pressure
Osmotic pressure is defined as the pressure required to prevent water from diffusing past a barrier due to osmosis. To […]
Important Topic of Biology: Genetic Code
Introduction Genetics contains information about the various characters and characteristics of living creatures. Genetic information is passed on from […]