BiologyLivingCharacteristics of life – Part 2

Characteristics of life – Part 2

Table of Contents

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    • Characteristics of life
    • Reproduction
    • Growth
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we got introduced to the Characteristics of life. In this segment, we will learn about Reproduction and growth.

    What are the Different characteristics of life?

    The characteristics that are possessed by living beings include movement and locomotion, respiration, reproduction, growth, presence of cells, and metabolism.


    • Reproduction is the process of giving Birth to an offspring. This is exhibited only by living things.
    • It is a characteristic of living beings but not a fundamental property that defines life. An animal known as a mule is sterile, that is, it cannot reproduce. But it is a living organism. Thus, even if an organism cannot reproduce, it may still be living.
    • Non-living things Cannot Reproduce.


    Growth is a very important characteristic of life.

    • Human baby grows into an adult.
    • In plants, a seed grows into an entire tree.
    • Non-livings things Do Not Exhibit Growth.

    Growth in plants

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