MathsDifference Between Area and Perimeter

Difference Between Area and Perimeter

Relationship Between Area and Perimeter

Difference Between Area and Perimeter; The relationship between area and perimeter is that the perimeter is always twice the area. This is because the perimeter is the distance around the object, and the area is the size of the object.

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    Difference Between Area and Perimeter

    What is Area?

    Area is a measure of the amount of space inside a two-dimensional figure. The unit of measure for area is the square unit. The most common way to calculate the area of a figure is to use a formula that takes the shape’s length and width into account.

    What is a Perimeter?

    A perimeter is the distance around a shape.

    What is the Difference between Area and Perimeter?

    The difference between area and perimeter is that the area is the measure of the total amount of surface inside a shape, while the perimeter is the measure of the distance around the edge of a shape. The difference between area and perimeter can be summed up in one word: dimension. Area is a two-dimensional measurement, while perimeter is a one-dimensional measurement. To calculate area, you need to know the length and width of a shape. To calculate perimeter, you only need to know the length of the shape.

    Area Vs Perimeter

    There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the context in which it is used. Generally speaking, however, the perimeter is the measure of the distance around a shape, while the area is the measure of the inside space of a shape.

    Perimeter and Area Formulas for all Shapes

    The perimeter and area formulas for all shapes are listed below. The formulas for the shapes are in the order of: square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, circle.

    Perimeter Vs Area Formula Chart

    Perimeter Area

    1 1

    2 4

    3 9

    4 16

    5 25

    6 36

    7 49

    8 64

    9 81

    10 100

    Application of Area in Real Life

    • Architects use mathematical formulas to calculate the area of a room or a building.
    • Landscapers use mathematical formulas to calculate the area of a lawn or garden.
    • Manufacturers use mathematical formulas to calculate the area of a piece of fabric or metal.
    • Retailers use mathematical formulas to calculate the area of a store.
    • Scientists use mathematical formulas to calculate the area of a molecule or an atom.

    Application of Area of the Triangle in Real Life

    • One practical application of the area of a triangle is in surveying. Triangles are often used to calculate the height of objects or to measure distances.
    • The area of a triangle is a mathematical equation that is used in real life situations. For example, if you are a contractor and need to figure out how much material to buy to cover a triangular shaped roof, you would use the area of a triangle equation.
    • You would also use this equation if you are a designer and need to create a triangular-shaped rug. In both of these cases, you would need to know the height and base of the triangle in order to calculate the area.

    Application of Perimeter in Real Life

    One common application of perimeter is in the measurement of land area. A landowner will use the perimeter of a property to calculate the total acreage. In some cases, the perimeter may also be used to calculate the property’s value.

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