MathsRectangular Pyramid – Definition, Types and Formula

Rectangular Pyramid – Definition, Types and Formula

What is a Rectangular Pyramid?

A rectangular pyramid is a four-sided pyramid with a rectangular base. The four sides are all the same length, and the height is the length of the base times the slant height.

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    Rectangular Pyramid – Definition, Types and Formula

    Definition, Types, and Examples

    • In a sentence, a metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things using the words “like” or “as.”
    • Metaphors are often used in literature and poetry to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. They can also be used in speeches and everyday conversation to make a point.
    • There are two types of metaphors: extended and condensed.
    • Extended metaphors are comparisons that are developed over several lines or even an entire poem.
    • Condensed metaphors are comparisons that are made in a single sentence.
    • Here are a few examples of metaphors:

    “Life is a journey.”

    “Love is a battlefield.”

    “He was a lion in the courtroom.”

    Types of Pyramids

    There are three types of pyramids: square, triangular, and hexagonal.

    1. Square pyramids are shaped like squares, with four triangular sides that meet at a point. The base of the pyramid is a square.
    2. Triangular pyramids are shaped like triangles, with three triangular sides that meet at a point. The base of the pyramid is a triangle.
    3. Hexagonal pyramids are shaped like hexagons, with six triangular sides that meet at a point. The base of the pyramid is a hexagon.

    Faces, Edges and Vertices

    • A face is a two-dimensional surface that bounds a solid object.
    • An edge is a one-dimensional line that connects two vertices.
    • A vertex is a point where two or more edges meet.

    Rectangular Pyramid Formula

    The height of a rectangular pyramid is the length of the base times the height of the pyramid. The volume of a rectangular pyramid is the base times the height of the pyramid times the width of the base divided by 3.

    Surface Area of a Rectangular Pyramid:

    The surface area of a rectangular pyramid is calculated by multiplying the base area by the height.

    A = B x h

    Volume of a Rectangular Pyramid:

    The volume of a rectangular pyramid is given by the formula:

    \begin{align} V &= \frac{1}{3} BH\\ &= \frac{1}{3} (6 \cdot 8)\\ &= 24 \end{align}

    The volume of the pyramid is 24 cubic units.

    Lateral Area of a Rectangular Pyramid

    The lateral area of a rectangular pyramid is the sum of the areas of all the faces other than the base.

    A = B + C + D

    where A is the lateral area, B is the area of the base, C is the area of the front face, and D is the area of the back face.

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