MathsVector Algebra

Vector Algebra

What Is Meant By Vector?

A vector is a mathematical object that has both magnitude and direction. Vectors are usually represented by arrows in mathematics, with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude and the arrowhead pointing in the direction of the vector. Vectors can be added and subtracted to form new vectors, and multiplied by scalars to create new scalar values.

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    Representation of Vector Quantities

    A vector quantity is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is represented by an arrow drawn from the origin to the point on the diagram where the vector is located. The magnitude of the vector is the length of the arrow, and the direction is indicated by the arrow’s orientation.

    Equality of Vector Algebra

    In vector algebra, vectors are treated as if they are mathematical points with a given direction and magnitude. In other words, vectors are objects that have both a magnitude (size) and a direction. In mathematics, vectors are usually represented using boldface type, such as .

    Vector algebra is a way of manipulating vectors using mathematical operations. These operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Vector algebra can be used to solve problems in physics and engineering.

    Operations on Vector Algebra

    Vector Addition

    Vector addition is the process of adding two or more vectors together to produce a new vector. The resultant vector is found by adding the vectors together component-by-component.

    Vector Subtraction

    Vector subtraction is the process of subtracting two or more vectors together to produce a new vector. The resultant vector is found by subtracting the vectors together component-by-component.

    Vector Multiplication

    Vector multiplication is the process of multiplying two or more vectors together to produce a new vector. The resultant vector is found by multiplying the vectors together component-by-component.

    Vector Division

    Vector division is the process of dividing two or more vectors together to produce a new vector. The resultant vector is found by dividing the vectors together component-by-component.

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