CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Biology Solved 2016 Set 10
Section -A
1.Name the homopolysaccharide called as animal starch. [1] 2.State the effect of increased and decreased solute concentration on water potential inside the cells. [1] 3.A compound concerned with the storage of oxygen in mammalian muscles. Name it. [1] 4.A plant has its inflorescence found in hanging Write its name and the type of inflorescence. [1] 5.Name the hormone that controls both the Na+and K+ metabolism in the body.[1]
Section -B
6. Most of the tall trees of world are conifers. Give reasons in support of this statement,if it is correct.[2]
7.“Longer the loop of Henle more hypertonic is the urine produced”. Explain. [2]
8.Differentiate between male gametophyte of pteridophyte and male gametophyte of angiosperms. [2]
9.Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of centriole. [2]
Give an account of differences between rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. [2]
Section -C
10.(a) Explain how reproduction in fungi takes place via vegetative means, asexually and sexually?
(b) Poriferans are more primitive than cnidarians. Mention some characteristics that justifies it.
11.Explain why abscisic acid is known as stress hormone. [3]
12.Define uniport, symport and antiport. Do they require energy? [3]
13.Give appropriate reasons why?
(a)Adrenal glands are called glands of emergency. [1]
(b)Parathormone is also called Collip’s hormone. [1]
(c)The posterior lobe of pituitary does not releases its own secreted hormones. [1]
14.Differentiate between [3]
(a)Competitive and allosteric inhibition
(b)Gj and G2-phase of cell cycle
15.What essential role does the root endodermis play during mineral absorption in plants? [3]
16.Define transitional epithelium. State its significance. [3]
17.Exchange of calcium between bone and extracellular fluid takes place under the influence of certain hormones.
(a)What will happen if more of Ca2+ is in extracellular fluid? ’
(b)What will happen if very less amount of Ca2+ is in the extracellular fluid?
18.Describe Cori’s cycle in brief, explaining its importance. [3]
19.Is rubber a primary metabolite or a secondary metabolite? Write four sentences about rubber. [3]
Draw a nitrogen cycle showing relationship between the three main nitrogen pools atmospheric, soil and biomass. [3]
20.A given short day has a 13 hours of day light, as its critical photoperiod. Will it flower if we increase its daylight to 15 hours? [3]
21.Shushrut and Shashank were twin brothers, almost similar in their habits and nature. But Shashank didn’t like hard fruits like pear and always insisted on having apples and oranges, etc. Both the brothers went into an argument over which fruit to eat. And Shashank explained that pear is not a good fruit as it is hard, gritty and have stones in it. Their mother, who was a biology teacher explained them that it is due to difference in kind of tissues present in fruits.
(a)Name the tissues responsible for grittiness and hardness in fruits like pear.Briefly describe them.[2]
(b)Mention other functions of this tissue in plants. [1]
(c)What values are reflected by their mother?[1]
Section – D
22.What can we conclude from the statement that the action and absorption spectrum of photosynthesis overlap? At which wavelength do they show peaks? [5]
Differentiate between [5]
(a)Respiration and combustion
(b)Glycolysis and Krebs’ cycle
(c)Aerobic respiration and fermentation.
23.Explain the process of secondary growth in roots.[5]
Describe the concept of metabolism and also write about the metabolic basis for living system. [5]
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