BiologyWater – Sources, Uses and Water Cycle

Water – Sources, Uses and Water Cycle

Basics of Water


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    Water softeners are devices that use a process called ion exchange to remove calcium and magnesium from hard water. In ion exchange, hard water is passed through a resin bed, which is filled with small resin beads. The calcium and magnesium in the water attach themselves to the resin beads, and the soft water is then passed out of the softener. The resin beads must then be regenerated with a salt solution, which replaces the calcium and magnesium with sodium.

    Sources of Water

    There are many different sources of water. Some examples are: rain, snow, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

    Uses of Water

    Water is the most abundant compound on Earth, making up about 70% of the planet’s surface. It is also the most important compound for life, as all living things require water to survive. Water is used for a variety of purposes, including drinking, bathing, cooking, and cleaning. It is also used in manufacturing and agriculture.

    Water Cycle

    The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. Water is always moving, but the water cycle describes the regular movement of water from one state to another. The water cycle has three main stages: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

    Evaporation is the process of water changing from a liquid to a gas. When the sun shines on a pool of water, the water molecules absorb energy from the sun. This energy causes the water molecules to break free from the liquid and turn into a gas. This gas is called water vapor.

    Condensation is the process of water vapor turning back into a liquid. When the air is cool, the water vapor will cool down and turn back into a liquid. This liquid is called water droplets.

    Precipitation is the process of water droplets falling from the sky. When the air is full of water droplets, the droplets will get too heavy and will fall from the sky. This is called precipitation.

    Importance of the Water Cycle

    The water cycle is important because it helps to distribute water around the Earth. The water cycle also helps to recycle water, which is important for the environment.

    How to learn the Water – Sources, Uses and Water Cycle?

    There are a few ways that you can learn about water and its many sources, uses, and the water cycle. You can read about it in textbooks or online, watch educational videos, or participate in interactive activities. You can also explore water resources in your community or take a water cycle hike.

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