BlogIIT-JEEBackup Plan for JEE – What if You Don’t Clear JEE Mains? Choose other Engineering Exam

Backup Plan for JEE – What if You Don’t Clear JEE Mains? Choose other Engineering Exam

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a critical milestone for aspiring engineers in India. While everyone hopes to clear JEE Mains and secure a seat in a prestigious engineering college, sometimes things don’t go as planned. What happens if you don’t clear JEE Mains? Is there a backup plan for JEE aspirants? In this blog, we’ll explore your options and discuss other engineering entrance exams you can consider if JEE Mains doesn’t work out.

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    Backup Plan for JEE

    Lakhs of students appear for the JEE Main 2024 exams every year and only limited seats are available in prestigious engineering universities and colleges. Moreover, the competition is also tough, and not all of them get to secure a seat in those colleges. Hence, engineering aspirants should have a backup plan if they do not clear JEE Main 2024. A backup plan for JEE is a contingency strategy that helps you navigate your engineering aspirations if you don’t clear JEE Mains. Having a backup plan for JEE is essential because not everyone can clear this challenging exam on their first attempt. The competition is fierce, and even the brightest minds may face setbacks. A backup plan ensures that you can continue working towards your engineering goals, even if your initial attempt doesn’t yield the desired results.

    What to Do If You Don’t Clear JEE Mains – Other Alternatives

    If you find yourself in the situation where you haven’t cleared JEE Mains, don’t lose hope. Here are some practical steps to consider:

    1. Explore Other Engineering Entrance Exams:

    • Several engineering entrance exams are conducted in India, each with its own set of colleges and institutions. You can consider attempting those exams.

    2. JEE (Main) Paper 2:

    • If you have an interest in architecture and planning, you can consider JEE (Main) Paper 2 for admission to architecture and related courses.

    3. Consider a Gap Year for Preparation:

    • If engineering is your passion and clearing JEE Mains is your goal, you can consider taking a gap year to prepare more effectively. Many successful engineers have taken this route, dedicated their time to focused preparation, and achieved their dreams.

    4. Explore Alternative Career Paths:

    • While engineering is a popular choice, there are numerous other career options to consider. You can explore bachelor’s degree programs in science, commerce, arts, or other fields of interest. This can be an opportunity to broaden your horizons and discover new passions.

    5. Diploma Courses in Engineering:

    • Another option is to enroll in diploma courses in engineering. These programs have different entrance requirements and can serve as a stepping stone to pursuing a full-fledged engineering degree.

    What if You Don’t Clear JEE Mains – Choose other Engineering Exams

    Not clearing JEE Mains can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road. Many successful engineers have faced setbacks early in their journey. Several engineering entrance exams are conducted across India. Consider appearing for the alternative engineering entrance exams, which are equally recognized and can lead to admission in reputable engineering colleges. Some of these exams include:

    1. State Engineering Entrance Exams: Every Indian state conducts its own engineering entrance exams. These exams grant admission to engineering colleges within the respective state. Some popular state-level exams include:
    2. BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test): BITSAT Exam is conducted by BITS Pilani and is known for its high academic standards. It grants admission to BITS Pilani, Goa, and Hyderabad campuses.
    3. VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination): VITEEE Exam is conducted for admission to VIT Vellore, a prestigious private engineering institute known for its quality education.
    4. SRMJEEE (SRM Joint Entrance Examination): SRMJEEE Exam is conducted for SRM Institute of Science and Technology, offering various engineering programs.
    5. COMEDK UGET (Consortium of Medical, Engineering, and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Undergraduate Entrance Test): COMEDK UGET is the entrance exam for various engineering colleges in Karnataka.
    6. AMUEEE (Aligarh Muslim University Engineering Entrance Exam): AMUEEE Exam is conducted by Aligarh Muslim University for admission to its engineering programs.
    7. KIITEE (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Exam): KIITEE Exam is conducted for Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), which offers a range of engineering courses.
    8. CUCET (Central Universities Common Entrance Test): CUCET is conducted for various central universities across India, some of which offer engineering programs.
    9. University-Specific Entrance Exams: Different universities may have their own entrance exams for engineering programs. Check with specific universities for their admission procedures.

    When considering alternative engineering exams, research each exam’s eligibility criteria, syllabus, and the colleges it grants admission to. Choose exams that align with your interests, strengths, and the specific engineering field you wish to pursue. Keep in mind that success in these exams can open doors to quality engineering education and fulfilling careers.


    While clearing JEE Mains is a significant achievement, not doing so doesn’t mean the end of your engineering dreams. There are various engineering entrance exams and alternative paths you can explore. Stay strong, stay motivated, and remember that your journey to success may have detours but can still lead to a bright future in engineering.

    FAQs on What if You Don’t Clear JEE Mains?

    Can I get NIT if I fail in JEE Advanced?

    Yes, you can still get admission to NITs through JEE Main scores even if you fail in JEE Advanced. However, to get admission to IITs, you must crack JEE Advanced.

    Can a failure student crack IIT?

    Yes, a failure student can crack IIT JEE with hard work, dedication, and the right preparation strategy. Anyone can follow the process of enrolling in coaching, taking help from teachers, understanding concepts properly, and practicing questions regularly, whether they are weak or intelligent.

    What is the failure rate of JEE?

    The success rate of clearing JEE Advanced is around 25-30%, meaning out of 100 students who appeared in JEE Advanced, 25-30 qualify for the exam. In the year 2021, out of 2,50,000 students who gave JEE Advanced, around 18,138 students successfully secured seats in various IITs, yielding a success rate of approximately 7.25%. The competition is high, and the difficulty level is also high, making it one of the toughest entrance exams in the world.

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