BlogNCERTSignificance of good handwriting during exam

Significance of good handwriting during exam

Handwriting is extremely significant in a person’s life. A student’s handwriting can help him get good grades. It can help an adult achieve great achievement. A person with good handwriting might also be considered an artist. The individual could pursue a career as a calligrapher or a writer. God has blessed some people with excellent handwriting. Those who aren’t god-gifted, on the other hand, should not give up hope. They can use the suggestions above to try to improve their handwriting. Consistent practice will undoubtedly aid in the improvement of your handwriting.

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    Importance of good handwriting

    • It is critical for everyone, whether they are children or adults, to have decent handwriting. Handwriting is the most basic instrument for taking notes, completing homework, taking tests, and completing classwork, among other things. As a result, penmanship is a crucial ability.


    • Writing enhances the understanding, which aids brain development. A good handwriting style can enhance the overall look of the text. Our eyes and brain are both pleased by the item that is attractive enough. We will understand and remember things that we find lovely, of course. When we take younger children who have only recently begun to master the fundamentals of reading and writing, they are even taught to write wonderfully. Teachers who instruct children must also have good penmanship.


    • This is because youngsters grasp the construction of letters and how they are fashioned when they see the text written in good handwriting. They are aware of how to properly form letters. Furthermore, the students attempt to imitate the teacher’s handwriting. They are indirectly enhancing their handwriting by doing so. As a result, we may conclude that beautiful handwriting can pique children’s interest in topics that will help them develop their brains indirectly.


    • Good Handwriting Attracts Good Marks: As previously said, good handwriting enhances the readability of the content. This is crucial to remember before taking a subjective test. When we administer a subjective test, the teacher must check over all of our written responses carefully. This is a challenging task for the teacher to complete. Students whose replies impress the teacher will receive high scores from the teacher. In this circumstance, good handwriting is quite vital. The teacher is immediately impressed with responses written in neat handwriting. A nice and clean paper with a few cuts will receive more points than others. On the other hand, a response written in sloppy handwriting will result in a lower grade.


    • It’s difficult to decipher bad handwriting. In this instance, the teacher will be unable to discern what the student is attempting to communicate through his responses. Because of the lack of neatness or poor word structure, the teacher may misinterpret the answer. As a result, if a pupil wants good handwriting, he must practise it.

    Advantages of good Handwriting

    • Boost confidence: In many circumstances, handwriting may become a criterion for judging performance. A person with good handwriting is more productive. He gains more self-assurance in his work.


    • Helps in personality development: People with good handwriting have been scientifically demonstrated to have a more positive demeanour. They have a cheerful outlook on life.


    • Helps in getting a job: Many employers offer written examinations prior to doing a personal interview. Handwriting analysts are employed by the companies. These experts are capable of judging a person based on their handwriting. They may make educated guesses about a person’s personality based on their handwriting, how they form their words and the neatness of their text. A person with good handwriting has a distinct edge in this situation.

    How to improve handwriting ?

    • Get your hand’s muscles in working order before you begin writing. A fatigued hand will not be able to write legibly. This is related to the fact that when we are weary, we will perform at a lower level than our potential since our bodies are not fully assisting us in our tasks. As a result, before we begin writing, we should stretch our hands or roll our fingers. This is especially important if you are writing for an extended period of time. After a long time of writing, your hands lose the shape and flow required for beautiful handwriting. The speed of writing is likewise slowed. Always extend your hands before starting to write.


    • Sit Properly:: Maintain a healthy posture while writing. Straighten your back. Place the hand that isn’t being used for writing on the notebook or piece of paper. This will have a balancing effect on you. If you sit in this position while writing, your handwriting will immediately improve. It’s important to remember that writing while lying in bed is not recommended. This is not the proper writing posture. When you write while sitting and lying on the bed, you can see the difference in your handwriting. For good handwriting, you’ll need a table and a chair.


    • Manage speed: You are not competing in a race when you are writing. It is not necessary to write quickly. The configuration or shape of the letters is changed when you write quickly. The letters do not have a neat and tidy appearance. Sharp letters may become round, while round letters may become sharp. This has a direct impact on the text’s readability. As a result, try to write slowly. Concentrate solely on the shape of the letters. Shape them in a way that is both attractive and intelligible. To give the letters a tidy appearance, try to put equal space between the letters and words and make the length and width of the letters equal.


    • Use Proper Spacing: What’s the difference between great penmanship and good handwriting? Proper letter spacing and alignment are the answer!

    Each letter must be the same size and separated by the same space. When writing in cursive, your letters should always be at the same angle. While writing “g” or “t” or other tall letters, keep the space above and below the letters in mind when printing them. Maintain a clear white space between lines by not allowing your letters to contact the row above them.


    What are the benefits of good handwriting?

    Handwriting improves confidence, dexterity, recall, and memory with practice, and it can even aid individuals with learning problems.

    Should students be graded on handwriting?

    It is widely held that students with appealing handwriting are perfect candidates for kids with awkward handwriting and that extra credit should be awarded for good handwriting.

    Q: How do you rate handwriting?

    Ans: We can Rate handwriting on the following parameters :

    • The formation of letters.
    • Spacing between letters
    • Spacing between words.


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