BlogNEETConcept of Magnetic Field

Concept of Magnetic Field

The magnetic field is the area around the magnet where the magnetic effect is felt. We use magnetic fields as tools to describe how magnetic forces are distributed in the space around and inside something that is intrinsically magnetic. Magnetic fields can be defined in several ways depending on the situation. In general, a magnetic field is defined as the invisible magnetic field around a magnetic object. Magnetic fields are commonly used to describe the distribution of magnetic forces around a magnetic body. A magnetic field is formed when an electric charge or current moves in the area of ​​a magnet. Here, subatomic particles, such as negatively charged electrons, move and form a magnetic field. The magnetic field can be formed either inside the atoms of magnetic objects or within the electrical wires or conductors.

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    The information about the concept of magnetic field and magnetic force from various physics-related articles is available here. Magnetic fields and their general concepts are important topics in physics. Students who want to flourish in physics need to be well known about magnetic fields and magnetic force to get deep knowledge about it to do well on their exams. The definition, measurement, and impact of the magnetic force on current are provided here to assist students in effectively understanding the respective topic. Continue to visit our website for additional physics help.


    Magnetic fields can be represented in several ways. Mathematically, this is represented as a vector field that can be arranged in different sets on a grid. A second way to represent a magnetic field is to use force lines. A collection of vectors connected by lines. Here the magnetic fields never stop and never meet each other.

    Magnetic forces are observable in a magnetic field, a vector field in the vicinity of a magnet, an electric current, or changing electric field. Moving electric charges and inherent magnetic moments of basic particles associated with a fundamental quantum characteristic known as spin form a magnetic field. The magnetic and electric fields are components of electromagnetic force, one of nature’s four fundamental forces.

    Magnetic Field Units and Measurement

    The magnetic field’s strength and direction are estimated throughout the measuring process. Because each magnetic field is distinct from the others, the measurement is critical. The magnetic field’s strength might be tiny, feeble, or powerful. On the other hand, the phrase magnetic field refers to two distinct but related fields denoted by the letters H and B. The magnetic field’s strength is measured in ampere per metre and is symbolized by H.

    The magnetic flux is denoted by B and measured in Tesla at the same time.

    Magnetic Force

    The movement of charges causes magnetic force, which is a result of electromagnetic force. As we all know, moving charges wrap themselves with a magnetic field. The magnetic force can be characterized as a force created by an interacting magnetic field. It has the potential to be either repellent or enticing. The magnetic force acts on a moving charge in the presence of magnetic fields.

    If a charge ‘ x ‘ is moving with a velocity ‘ v, ‘making an angle with the field direction. Technically, we calculated that F→ B=qV•B represents a magnetic force operating the moving charge. It is generally known as Lorentz force law.

    Magnetic Force on Current

    We need to observe and examine a line charge ‘ “‘ moving with a velocity ‘ v ‘. The total quantity of charge intersecting a point p in a timeslot of t is ∨Δt.

    Now, the rate of flow of charge around the known point p is the line current represented as I.

    The magnetic force operating on it will always be equivalent to zero when B is uniform.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the reason behind the Magnetic Field of Earth?

    Nickel and molten iron form a protective shell around the earth's core. The Earth's magnetic field is formed by electricity that enters the molten core. As the globe rotates, these currents are hundreds of miles apart and run thousands of miles per hour. The earth's tremendous magnetic field emerges from its core, travels through the crust, and finally into space.

    How to calculate Magnetic Force?

    Let's look at two things and see how magnetic fields can be calculated between them. The quantity of charge and motion in each of the two objects and the distance between them determine the volume of the magnetic force between them. The force's direction is determined by the charge's relative motion directions in each case. The magnetic force can be calculated using a fixed amount of charge q traveling at a constant velocity v in a uniform magnetic field B. Even if we don't know the size of the magnetic field, we can still utilize this method because the magnetic field can often be determined based on the distance to a specific current. The Lorentz Force Law is a more accurate description of the magnetic force.

    Is there any magnetic field in space?

    Magnetic fields exist in space. On the basis of investigations of a huge number of pulsars and the polarization of their radio waves, the Milky Way spiral arms appear to have some very large-scale organized magnetic field. Magnetic fields have been discovered in interstellar dust clouds. The fields are intensified when the clouds collapse.

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