BlogGeneralWhat is The Major Difference Between Union and Structure with Example with Explanation

What is The Major Difference Between Union and Structure with Example with Explanation

In the world of C programming, there are five ways to create custom data types: bit-fields, structures, typedefs, enumerations, and unions. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the distinction between structures and unions in C. Both of these are data containers that can store various data types, but they have a crucial difference. Structures have individual memory locations for each of their members, while unions share the same memory location for all their members. Let’s explore these differences further to gain a better understanding.

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    What do you understand about Structure in C?

    A Structure in C is a custom-made data type that lets you group together different data items of various types in a logical manner. It’s like creating a record to store related information. When you use a Structure, all its elements are stored in memory next to each other. You can think of it as a container that can hold multiple pieces of data with a single name.

    Creating a Structure – To define a structure in programming, you use the “struct” statement. This statement creates a new data type with one or more members. The format of a struct statement looks like this:

    Structure Declaration Syntax:

    struct [structure name]


    type member_1;

    type member_2;

    . . .

    type member_n;


    In simpler terms, when you want to create a new kind of data structure in your code, you use the “struct” statement. It’s like designing a blueprint for a custom data type with specific attributes, making it easier to work with your data in your program.

    What do you understand about Union?

    A union is a custom-made data type, similar to a structure. Unlike a structure, a union can hold different types and sizes of objects together. However, only one of these objects can have a value at any given time. This allows for efficient use of memory because multiple objects can share the same memory location. In simple terms, a union lets you store different types of data in the same place.

    Creating a Union – To define a Union, users can utilize the union statement, which helps establish a new data type with multiple members for a program. The union statement’s structure is as follows:

    Union Declaration Syntax:

    union [name of the union]


    data type member_1;

    data type member_2;

    // Add more members as needed


    This statement allows you to create a custom data type called a union, comprising different data members, enhancing program flexibility and functionality.

    Exploring the Inner Workings: Union and Structuring in C – Common Functions and Key Similarities

    Union and Structure in C are both custom data types that allow you to group different pieces of data together into a single unit. Here are some key similarities and functions they share:

    • Custom Data Types: Both Union and Structure are user-defined data types in C, meaning you can create them to suit your specific needs.
    • Mixed Data Types: They can store various types of data, including other structures, unions, and arrays. You can even use bit fields within their members.
    • Passing to Functions: You can pass Union and Structure variables to functions and return them from functions just like regular variables. However, it’s essential to ensure that the function parameters match the data type of the Union or Structure you’re passing.
    • Passing by Value: When passing a Union or Structure to a function, it’s done by value, similar to how scalar variables are passed. This means the function receives a copy of the Union or Structure.
    • Member Access: To access the individual pieces of data within a Union or Structure, you use the “.” operator.

    In summary, Union and Structure in C are versatile tools for organizing and manipulating data, and they share these common features in their usage.

    Distinctions Between Structures and Unions in C Programming

    C programming is a powerful language known for its efficiency and flexibility. Two fundamental data types, structures and unions, play a crucial role in organizing and manipulating data in C. While both structures and unions serve similar purposes, they have distinct differences that make them suitable for different scenarios.

    Structures in C

    A structure is a composite data type that allows you to group variables of different data types under a single name. This grouping makes it easier to manage related data as a single entity. The primary characteristics of structures are:

    • Members with Different Data Types

    One of the key features of structures is their ability to contain members (variables) of different data types. For example, you can create a structure to represent a person’s information like this:


    struct Person {

    char name[50];

    int age;

    float height;


    In this example, the `struct Person` contains three members: `name` (a character array), `age` (an integer), and `height` (a floating-point number). This flexibility allows you to create complex data structures to represent real-world entities.

    • Memory Allocation

    When you define a structure, memory is allocated for each member sequentially. The size of a structure is the sum of the sizes of its individual members, including any padding added by the compiler for alignment purposes. For instance, if an `int` requires 4 bytes and a `float` requires 4 bytes, the `struct Person` will typically require 58 bytes (assuming the `char` array also needs 4 bytes of padding for alignment).

    • Accessing Members

    To access members of a structure, you use the dot (`.`) operator. For example:


    struct Person person1;

    person1.age = 30;

    This allows you to manipulate the individual components of the structure.

    Unions in C

    Unions are another composite data type in C, but they have a different purpose and behavior compared to structures. Key characteristics of unions include:

    • Members Share Memory

    Unlike structures, unions allow multiple members to share the same memory location. This means that only one member of the union can have a value at a time. For instance:


    union Data {

    int intValue;

    float floatValue;


    In this example, the `union Data` can hold either an integer value or a floating-point value, but not both simultaneously.

    • Memory Allocation

    Unions allocate memory based on the size of the largest member. In the case of `union Data`, it will typically allocate 4 bytes (the size of a float) because it’s the largest member. This means that unions are more memory-efficient than structures when you need to store mutually exclusive data.

    • Accessing Members

    Accessing members of a union is similar to structures, using the dot (`.`) operator. However, you must be careful to access the correct member, as there is no type checking to prevent you from accessing the wrong member. The choice of which member to access is typically based on your program’s logic.

    Key Differences

    Now that we’ve covered the basics of structures and unions, let’s delve into the key distinctions between the two:

    • Memory Usage

    Structures allocate memory for each member separately, resulting in a structure’s size being the sum of the sizes of its members. Unions, on the other hand, allocate memory based on the largest member’s size, which can lead to memory savings in scenarios where you need to store only one type of data at a time.

    • Usage Scenario

    Use structures when you need to store multiple pieces of related data simultaneously. Structures are suitable for scenarios where you want to group data elements together logically, such as representing a point in 3D space or a customer’s information.

    Unions, on the other hand, are handy when you need to store one type of data at a time, and you want to save memory. Common use cases for unions include implementing variant data types or managing space-efficient storage for different data types within the same memory location.

    • Memory Overwrite Risk

    Unions carry the risk of overwriting data inadvertently. Since multiple members share the same memory location, if you write to one member and then read from another without proper tracking, you can encounter unexpected behavior or bugs. In contrast, structures do not have this risk, as each member has its own memory space.

    • Type Checking

    Structures provide type checking, which means you can easily and safely access members based on their data type. Unions lack this type checking, making it your responsibility to keep track of which member holds valid data at any given time.


    In summary, structures and unions are essential tools in C programming for organizing and managing data. Structures are versatile and suitable for grouping related data with different data types, whereas unions are memory-efficient but require careful handling due to their shared memory allocation. Understanding the distinctions between structures and unions enables you to choose the right data structure for your specific programming needs. Whether you opt for the flexibility of structures or the memory efficiency of unions, both play vital roles in C programming, enhancing your ability to work with complex data structures effectively.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Union and Structure

    What are the main differences between structures and unions in C?

    The main differences between structures and unions in C are how they allocate memory and how their members share memory. Structures allocate memory for each member separately, whereas unions allocate memory based on the size of the largest member. Additionally, in unions, all members share the same memory location, allowing only one member to have a value at a time.

    When should I use a structure, and when should I use a union?

    Use a structure when you need to store multiple pieces of related data simultaneously, especially when those data elements have different data types. Structures are suitable for scenarios where you want to group data elements together logically. On the other hand, use a union when you need to store one type of data at a time and want to save memory. Unions are useful for implementing variant data types or managing space-efficient storage for different data types within the same memory location.

    Can I mix structures and unions in the same program?

    Yes, you can mix structures and unions in the same program. Depending on your program's requirements, you may choose to use structures for certain data structures and unions for others. This flexibility allows you to optimize memory usage and data organization based on your specific needs.

    Are there any risks associated with using unions?

    Yes, there are risks associated with using unions, primarily the risk of memory overwriting. Since all members of a union share the same memory location, writing to one member and then reading from another without proper tracking can lead to unexpected behavior or bugs. It's essential to be cautious and maintain a clear record of which member holds valid data at any given time when working with unions.

    Is there a performance difference between structures and unions?

    In terms of performance, structures and unions themselves do not have significant differences. The performance impact is more about how efficiently you manage memory and access members. Structures may have a slightly higher memory overhead due to separate memory allocation for each member. Unions, on the other hand, can be more memory-efficient when used appropriately. The performance impact depends on your specific use case and how effectively you handle memory and data access in your code.

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