BiologyReproductionTissue culture

Tissue culture

Table of Contents

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    • Tissue culture
    • The Benefit of Tissue Culture
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Spore Formation. In this segment, we will learn about Tissue culture

    What is Tissue culture?

    • Tissue culture is a type of asexual reproduction in which a tissue is taken from the plant and placed in an artificial medium for development.
    • The artificial medium contains nutrients that are required for plant growth. The cells of the tissue grow rapidly and form a group of cells called Callus.
    • The callus is transferred to another growth medium of growth and differentiation. This medium contains hormones that will aid the plant to develop different body parts.
    • Once a plantlet is formed, it is transferred into the soil.

    Plant tissue culture

    What are the benefits of tissue culture?

    Inside a laboratory, healthy plants of the desired species can be developed using tissue culture. This increases their chances of survival.

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