BiologyReproductionVegetative propagation

Vegetative propagation

Table of Contents

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    • Vegetative propagation
    • Methods of Vegetative Propagation
      • Cutting
      • Grafting
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about Fragmentation and regeneration. In this segment, we will learn about Vegetative propagation.

    What is Vegetative propagation?

    • Vegetative propagation is a type of asexual reproduction in which a part of the parent plant is capable to give rise to a whole new plant.
    • It is a quick mode of reproduction as the plant did not undergo the long process of germination.

    What are the different methods of vegetative propagation?

    There are many different ways in which vegetative propagation can be used for reproduction like cutting, grafting, and layering.


    • Cutting is the process in which a part of the plant that contains a few buds is cut and placed in moist soil.
    • After some time, the part placed in the soil will grow roots and shoots and a new plant is formed.



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