Table of Contents
World Thinking Day, also known as Thinking Day or 22 February Day, is celebrated on 22nd February every year. All Girls Guides and Girls Scouts and other Scouts and Guide organisations around the world primarily celebrate it. This article will provide more information regarding World Thinking Day 2024. Therefore, read till the end to learn more amazing facts about the 22 February Day.
World Thinking Day 2024
World Thinking Day 2024 is the day when the scout and guide think about their sisters and brothers in all the countries around the world, the meaning of guiding and the global impacts. Every year, a particular theme is selected for the World Thinking Day Celebrations to bring positive change around the world. World Thinking Day is particularly celebrated on 22nd February every year to honour the founder, Lord Robert Baden Powell and Lady Olave Baden Powell on his birthday.
World Thinking Day Theme 2024
Every year, a particular theme is chosen for the World Thinking Day Celebrations. The Theme for 2024 is “Our World, Our Thriving Future: The Environment and Global Poverty”. Also, World Thinking Day Theme 2023 was “Our World, Our Peaceful Future: The Environment, Peace and Security”. The World Thinking Day Theme 2022 was “Our World, Our Equal Future: The Environment and Gender Equality”.
World Thinking Day 2024: History
In 1926, during the Fourth Girl Scout International Conference held at Camp Edith Macy, the members recognised the importance of establishing a special international day for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. This day would serve as a moment for members worldwide to consider the global impact of their movements and express gratitude to their “sisters” across borders.
Therefore, it was decided that Thinking Day will be particularly celebrated on 22nd February, the shared birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scout movement, and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, his wife and the World Chief Guide, every year to honour them. In 1999, during the 30th World Conference in Ireland, the name was changed from “Thinking Day” to “World Thinking Day” to emphasise its worldwide significance.
World Thinking Day Activities
What makes Thinking Day special is the flexibility it offers to each group of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to choose how they want to commemorate this significant occasion. The only consistent requirement is for the girls to donate 1p and, if possible, engage in fundraising activities.
Beyond that, each pack of Guides or Scouts has the freedom to shape the celebration as they see fit. Some packs opt for public events like bake sales and sports days, while others take on challenges to raise funds for the Girl Guiding and Scouting movement.
Many packs celebrate by participating in broader events organised by the Guiding and Scouting communities. These may include weekend campouts with a prescribed hike distance and various challenges. Endurance challenges, both locally and internationally, attract older Girl Guides and Scouts. These challenges, involving activities like trekking, mountain climbing, and races between destinations, allow girls to showcase their map-reading skills.
Some groups prefer special pack events such as group sleepovers, parties, and other activities. Another popular choice is for Girl Guides and Scouts to gather at a local point of interest to watch the sunrise as a group. This time is dedicated to reflecting on the theme set for the year.
Thinking Day provides the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting community with a valuable opportunity to consider the well-being of others and address broader issues impacting those within the Guiding and Scouting movement.
World Thinking Day Ceremony
Every year on February 22, Rangers from Mona Burgin’s Unit in Auckland, New Zealand, embark on a pre-dawn climb to the top of Maungawhau / Mount Eden. In the early morning darkness, they set up a campfire and a flagstaff. As the sun rises over the sea, they raise the Guide World Flag, sing the World Song, and share thoughts about the people and countries they are reflecting upon. This marks the beginning of “The Big Think,” a symbolic tradition that travels around the world.
Around the nearest weekend to World Thinking Day, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts globally gather on ScoutLink for online chats to celebrate their Founders. Some engage in “Thinking Day on the Air” (TDOTA), using amateur radio, similar to the Scout movement’s Jamboree On The Air.
Various member organisations of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts use this occasion for collaborative projects with their ‘twin’ organisations. For instance, Canada and Dominica have participated in joint initiatives.
A cherished tradition involves every Scout or Guide, past or present, placing a candle in their window at dusk as a symbol of their “Guiding Light.” Sending letters or postcards to other Scouts and Guides before Thinking Day is also a common practice.
World Thinking Day 2024 Ideas
Below are a few ideas that could be taken into consideration for World Thinking Day 2024 Ideas for celebrations.
Global Chat Event: Organize a virtual meet-up with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from different parts of the world. Use video conferencing tools to connect and share experiences.
Digital Story Sharing: Encourage girls to create and share digital stories about their Guiding or Scouting adventures. This could include photos, videos, or written narratives.
International Recipe Exchange: Have each group prepare a traditional dish from their country or region. Share recipes and pictures with other groups, creating a virtual international potluck.
Charity Fundraising: Initiate a fundraising campaign for a cause that aligns with the values of Guiding and Scouting. Each group can contribute to a collective effort to make a positive impact.
Cultural Awareness Workshop: Host a workshop where girls can learn about the customs, traditions, and languages of different countries. This promotes cultural understanding and appreciation.
Thinking Day Art Exhibition: Encourage girls to express their thoughts and feelings about Guiding and Scouting through art. Create a virtual art exhibition showcasing their creations.
World Thinking Day 2024: FAQs
Why do we celebrate World Thinking Day?
World Thinking Day is celebrated on the birthdays of Lord Baden-Powell and Lady Olave Baden-Powell, founders of the Boy Scout movement and World Chief Guide, respectively, to honour them and also to reflect on global Guiding and Scouting.
What do you do on World Thinking Day?
Girls and boys in Guiding and Scouting engage in various activities, including reflections, fundraisers, cultural exchanges, and challenges, to connect with the global Guiding and Scouting community.
Is World Thinking Day for Boys?
While the day originated in the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting movement, boys in the Scouting movement often participate in related activities, and the celebration promotes inclusivity across genders.