Maha Ashtami 2023

Maha Ashtami, also known as Durga Ashtami, is a significant day in the Hindu festival of Navratri. It marks the eighth day of the nine-day-long celebration dedicated to Goddess Durga. This day holds immense spiritual and cultural importance, and it is observed with great devotion by millions of Hindus worldwide. Let’s delve into the essence of Maha Ashtami, its story, significance, and the vibrant traditions associated with it.

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    What is Maha Ashtami/Durga Ashtami 2023?

    Maha Ashtami, also known as Durga Ashtami, holds a significant place in the Hindu festival of Navratri. It is celebrated on the eighth day of Navratri and is dedicated to Goddess Durga. On this auspicious day, devotees worship the divine feminine energy of the goddess, seeking her blessings for strength, protection, and victory over the forces of evil.

    Maha Ashtami is marked by elaborate rituals, fervent prayers, and cultural celebrations, making it a spiritually enriching experience for all who participate. This day signifies the triumph of good over evil, symbolized by the legendary battle between Goddess Durga and the buffalo demon Mahishasura.

    It is a time when devotees come together to honor the supreme power and embrace the divine grace of the goddess.

    The Story of Maha Ashtami or Durga Ashtami 2023

    Maha Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri, is steeped in Hindu mythology and is associated with the legend of Goddess Durga’s battle with the buffalo demon, Mahishasura. According to Hindu scriptures, Mahishasura, a powerful demon, had acquired a boon that made him nearly invincible. With his newfound strength, he unleashed a reign of terror in the celestial realms and on Earth.

    Unable to tolerate his tyranny, the gods and goddesses combined their divine energies to create Goddess Durga, a fierce and powerful warrior goddess. She was bestowed with various weapons and divine attributes by each deity. Riding a majestic lion, Goddess Durga confronted Mahishasura in a fierce battle that raged for nine days and nights.

    Maha Ashtami marks the climax of this epic battle. It is believed that on this day, the goddess defeated and vanquished Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. Devotees celebrate Maha Ashtami by invoking the goddess’s blessings to conquer their inner demons, gain strength, and overcome the challenges in their lives.

    In essence, Maha Ashtami reminds us of the eternal truth that righteousness and virtue will always prevail over darkness and wickedness, and it encourages us to seek the divine’s guidance in our quest for a better and more virtuous life. This day serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of courage, faith, and the ultimate victory of light over darkness.

    Durga Ashtami 2023 Date and Time

    The date for Durga Puja 2023 Mahashtami is set for October 22, 2023. On the eighth day of Navratri, people celebrate and worship Mother Mahagauri. This year, Ashwin Shukla Ashtami Tithi will start at 09:53 PM on October 21, 2023, and continue until 07:58 PM on October 22, 2023.

    Significance of Maha Ashtami

    Maha Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri, holds immense significance in Hindu culture and spirituality. It represents the triumph of good over evil and carries profound spiritual and cultural importance. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

    1. Victory of Good Over Evil: Maha Ashtami commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon, Mahishasura. It symbolizes the eternal truth that righteousness and virtue will always prevail over darkness and wickedness. Devotees seek the goddess’s blessings to overcome their inner demons and lead a virtuous life.
    2. Renewal of Faith: It is a day for devotees to renew their faith in the divine and seek strength, courage, and protection from the goddess. People believe that worshiping Goddess Durga during Maha Ashtami grants them spiritual empowerment.
    3. Festive Celebrations: Maha Ashtami is marked by elaborate rituals, including special pujas and offerings to the goddess. Devotees adorn themselves in traditional attire, visit temples, and participate in vibrant processions. The atmosphere is filled with devotion and festive fervor.
    4. Cultural Significance: Beyond its religious significance, Maha Ashtami is a celebration of India’s rich cultural heritage. It showcases traditional music, dance, and art forms, adding to the festive spirit. Many regions host cultural events and performances during this time.
    5. Community Bonding: Navratri, including Maha Ashtami, brings communities together. People come together to perform prayers, exchange greetings, and share meals. It fosters a sense of unity and strengthens social bonds.
    6. Prayers for Prosperity: Devotees also seek the goddess’s blessings for prosperity and well-being. Many believe that worshiping Goddess Durga during this auspicious time brings abundance and success in their endeavors.

    Who is Goddess Mahagauri?

    Goddess Mahagauri is one of the forms of Goddess Parvati, the divine consort of Lord Shiva, and she is particularly revered during the festival of Navratri, which spans nine days of worshiping different manifestations of the goddess.

    1. Appearance: Goddess Mahagauri is depicted as having a very fair complexion, symbolizing purity and peace. She is often shown wearing white or green attire and adorning various ornaments. In her hands, she holds a trident (trishul) and a drum (damaru), signifying her power and divine music.
    2. Significance: The name “Mahagauri” can be translated to mean “extremely white” or “extremely bright,” emphasizing her pristine and radiant appearance. She is considered the embodiment of serenity and compassion.
    3. Worship During Navratri: Goddess Mahagauri is worshiped on the eighth day of Navratri, which is known as Maha Ashtami. Devotees seek her blessings for peace, purity, and harmony in their lives. It is believed that worshiping Mahagauri can wash away the sins of her devotees and fill their lives with grace and divine light.
    4. Spiritual Significance: Goddess Mahagauri represents the stage of purification and detachment on the spiritual path. Her form signifies the transformation from impurity to purity, both externally and internally. Devotees invoke her to cleanse their hearts and minds, allowing them to attain higher spiritual states.

    Maha Ashtami Colour

    Each day of Navratri is associated with a specific color, and on Maha Ashtami, the color is Purple. Devotees often wear clothes of this color and decorate the goddess’s idol or image with purple attire as a mark of devotion.

    List Of Durga Puja Pandal in Delhi/NCR 2023

    1. Chittaranjan Park Kalibari:
    2. Kashmiri Gate
    3. Kalibari, Mayur Vihar-1
    4. Matri Mandir Samity Safdarjung Enclave, B-2 Block Durga Puja
    5. Minto Road Puja Samity
    6. Timarpur and Civil Line Puja SamityArambagh Durga Puja Samity
    7. Arambagh Durga Puja Samity
    8. Mela Ground, CR Park
    9. Antaranga Durga Puja, Mayur Vihar
    10. Sushant Lok, Gurgaon
    11. Co-operative Ground Durga Puja Samity, Chittaranjan Park
    12. Milani Puja Committee, Mayur Vihar-1
    13. Mela Ground Sector- 62, Noida


    Maha Ashtami, the eighth day of Navratri, is a day of deep spiritual significance and devotion. It signifies the triumph of good over evil, as Goddess Durga vanquished the formidable demon Mahishasura on this day. As devotees come together to celebrate Maha Ashtami, they seek the blessings of Goddess Mahagauri, hoping for peace, prosperity, and protection from life’s challenges. The vibrant rituals and traditions associated with this day reflect the enduring cultural and spiritual heritage of Hinduism.

    Maha Ashtami 2023 FAQs

    What is the time of Ashtami Puja in 2023?

    The time of Ashtami Puja in 2023 varies by location and tradition, so check local calendars for exact timings.

    How is Maa Durga coming in 2023?

    In 2023, Maa Durga is believed to come to Earth during the auspicious time of Navratri to bless her devotees.

    Who is the date of Durga Puja 2023?

    The date of Durga Puja in 2023 falls in the month of October, but it varies by region and local calendars.

    Which two Navratri in 2023?

    There are two Navratri festivals in 2023: Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri.

    Why do we celebrate Maha Ashtami?

    Maha Ashtami is celebrated to honor the powerful goddess Durga during Navratri.

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