MathsBasic Geo IdeasCirclesCircumference of a Circle

Circumference of a Circle

Table of Contents

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    • Circumference
    • Calculating Circumference
    • Summary
    • What’s Next?

    In the previous segment, we learnt about the regions of a circle. In this segment, we will learn about the Circumference of a circle.

    What is Circumference of a circle?

    The distance along the boundary of a circle is the Circumference of the circle. In other words, it is the total length of the boundary.

    For example, if an athlete starts at a point on a circular track, then, the distance he covers around the track to reach the same point again is the circumference of the track.

    Circumference of a circle

    How is circumference calculated?

    To calculate the circumference, the radius of the circle is required.

    For a circle with radius equal to ‘r’ units, the circumference is given by the formula:

    Circumference = ???

    The symbol \pi is used to represent Pi.


    Circumference The distance a along the boundary of circle
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