MathsFractionsAddition of Mixed Fractions – 2

Addition of Mixed Fractions – 2

Table of Contents

  • Addition of Mixed Fractions
  • Summary
  • What’s Next?

In the previous segment of Class 6 Maths, we discussed how to add mixed fractions. Here let us learn how to add mixed fractions when the sum contains an improper fraction in the fractional part.

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    How to add mixed fractions with an improper fractional part in the sum?

    To add mixed fractions with like fractional parts, say 4 5 and


    6 4,we will use the following steps:


    Step 1: Add the whole part of both the fractions.

    Here, the whole part of 4 5 is 4 and the whole part of 6 4 is 6.

    7 7

    So, the addition of 4 and 6 is 10.

    Step 2: Add the fractional part of both the fractions.

    Here, the fractional part of 4 5 is 5 and the fractional part of 6 4 is 4

    7 7 7 7

    So, the addition of 5 and 4 ?? 5 + 4 = 5+4 = 9.

    7 7 7 7 7 7

    Step 3: The result of step 2 is the fractional part of the sum of the mixed fraction. But the fractional part cannot be an improper fraction. So, we will have to convert it to a mixed fraction.

    Thus, 9 = 1 2

    7 7

    Step 4: Add the result of step 1 with the whole part of the mixed fraction in step 3.

    That is 10 + 1 = 11.

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