Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

  1. A

    For who are you voting?

  2. B

    For whom are you voting?

  3. C

    For which are you voting?

  4. D

    None of the above is correct

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    Pronouns are words utilised in place of nouns. They can only be used once the noun is used or mentioned. Pronouns are of several types, such as personal, reflexive, emphasising, relative, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative, and possessive. Relative pronouns are used to show the relationship to a noun mentioned in the sentence earlier. Examples of relative pronouns include “that,” “which,” “where,” “whose,” “whom,” and so on. “Which” is usually used for non-living entities, and “whom” is an objective pronoun. So, the correct way to frame the sentence is, “For whom are you voting?”

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