Study MaterialsCBSE NotesLight Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15

Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15

Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15

Light Class 7 Science Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Briefly mention whether mirror change the direction of light.
Yes, when a ray of light is incident on the mirror surface, then the mirror changes the direction of light.

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    Question 2.
    The image formed by a lens is always virtual, erect and smaller in size for an object kept at different positions in front of it. Identify the nature of the lens. (NCERT Exemplar] Answer:
    Such types of lenses which always form virtual, erect and smaller image in spite of the different positions of an object are called concave lens.

    Question 3.
    Observe the given figures carefully.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 1
    The given figures show the path of light through lenses of two different types represented by rectangular boxes A and B. What is the nature of lenses A and B ? [NCERT Examplar] Answer:
    Since, in first case light rays are converging towards a point, so the lens A will be convex and in case of lens 8, light rays diverge or spread out. So, the lens will be concave lens.

    Question 4.
    Name the colours include in the composition of sunlight.
    As we know that sunlight consists of mixture of seven colours (i.e. VIBGYOR).

    Question 5.
    In the formation of a rainbow, what acts as tiny prisms?
    In the formation of a rainbow, the raindrops suspended in the atmosphere acts as tiny prism.

    Question 6.
    Briefly mention what makes things visible to us.
    When a light ray falls on an object, then reflected light ray which comes from the object when A falls on our eys, allows us to see things around us.

    Question 7.
    Name the type of lens which diverges a beam of parallel rays of light.
    The lens which diverges a beam of parallel rays of light is a concave lens.

    Question 8.
    Is the image formed by a plane mirror is always upright?
    Yes, the image formed by the plane mirror is always upright.

    Question 9.
    Explain why are concave and convex mirrors called spherical mirrors.
    Concave and convex mirrors are the parts of sphere whose one side is polished or silvered. So, they are called spherical mirrors.

    Question 10.
    Is it possible to obtain the image on the screen when the candle is too closed to the concave mirror?
    No, when the candle is too closed to the concave mirror.

    Question 11.
    Can you get a real image at any distance of the object from the convex mirror?
    No, we cannot get a real image for any position of an object from the mirror because convex mirror always forms virtual, erect and diminished image in spite of the position of object.

    Question 12.
    Can you name the mirrors used as side mirrors in scooters?
    Yes, in the side mirror of scooters, convex mirror is used to have a wider field of view of the traffic.

    Question 13.
    Explain why concave mirror is known as a converging mirror.
    Concave mirror is known as a converging mirror because it converges a beam of parallel rays of light (reflecting from it) at one point.

    Question 14.
    Name the phenomenon that is involved in the formation of image of an object by a concave mirror.
    Reflection of light is the name of a phenomenon which is involved in the formation of image of an object by a concave mirror.

    Question 15.
    Mention the type of image formed on a cinema screen.
    Real image is an image which is formed on a cinema screen.

    Question 16.
    As we know that an image is formed by the actual intersection of rays and can be obtained on the screen. So, state whether it is real or virtual image.
    Since, after the actual intersection of rays, the image obtained on the screen is always real image.

    Question 17.
    State in brief about the term lens.
    A transparent material which is bounded by both or one spherical surface is known as a lens.

    Question 18.
    Name the phenomenon that is involved in the formation of image of an object by a convex lens.
    Refraction of light is the name of a phenomenon which is involved in the formation of image of an object by a convex lens.

    Question 19.
    Give the form of energy that produces the sensation of vision.
    Light energy is the form of energy which produces the sensation of vision.

    Question 20.
    What type of mirror is used as a side mirror in a scooter? Why is this type of mirror chosen? [NCERT Exemplar] Answer:
    Convex mirror is used as a side mirror in a scooter because it can form images of objects spread over a larger area.
    So, this helps the driver to view the traffic over a large area behind them.

    Question 21.
    Briefly mention how many types of lens are there. Explain each of them.
    There are two types of lenses.
    The lens which is thinner in the middle than at the edges is called a concave lens while the lens
    which is thicker in the middle than at the edges is called a convex lens.

    Question 22.
    Consider if one half of a convex lens is covered with a black paper, then state whether this lens produces a complete image of the object.
    If one half of a convex lens is covered with a black paper, then yes, the convex lens will produce the complete image of the object.

    Question 23.
    Briefly tell that how many reflected rays can be obtained from a single incident ray in respect of a plane mirror.
    For a single incident ray, there will be only one reflected ray that can be obtained in respect of a plane mirror.

    Question 24.
    State in brief what we can demonstrate by rotating Newton’s colour disc very fastly.
    By rotating Newton’s colour disc, we can demonstrate that when seven colours are mixed together, then a white colour is formed.

    Question 25.
    Mention the name of lens whioh can converge the sun’s rays to a point and burn a hole in the piece of paper. (HOTS] Answer:
    Convex lens is a lens which can converge the sun’s rays to a point and burn a hole in the piece of paper.

    Question 26.
    An erect and enlarged image of an object is formed on a screen. Explain how this could be possible.
    An erect and enlarged image of an object is formed only by the concave mirror or convex lens when object is inverted and placed between F and 2F.

    Light Class 7 Science Extra Questions Short Answer Type Questions

    Question 1.
    The distance between an object and a convex lens is changing. It is noticed that the size of the image formed on a screen is decreasing. Is the object moving in a direction towards the lens or away from it? (NCERT Examplar; HOTS] Answer:
    In case of convex lens, when we move the object far away from the lens, the size of image decreases and ultimately, when object is at infinity, it will form a point image at focus.

    Question 2.
    Two different types of lenses are placed on a sheet of newspaper. How will you identify them without touching? [HOTS] Answer:
    On identifying the letters of newspaper, we can differentiate the two types of lenses.
    If image is large or magnified, then the lens is a convex lens and if the image is smaller or diminished in size for all the positions of object, then the lens is concave .

    Question 3.
    Briefly state the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror.
    Characteristics of the Images Formed by a Plane Mirror
    Now, we will describe the various characteristics of the images formed in a plane mirror by taking the example of the image of the candle.

    • When we see the mirror, the image of candle appears to be formed behind the mirror.
    • Now, pW a vertical screen behind the plane mirror (where the image of candle appears to be situated), then we will notice that the image of candle cannot be formed on the screen. Even if the screen is placed in front of the plane mirror, then the image of candle cannot be formed on the screen. Since, the image of candle formed in the plane mirror cannot be formed on a screen, which means that the image of candle in the plane mirror is a virtual image.
    • If we see the figure, then we will find that the length and breadth of the image of the candle and its flame to be the same as that of the original candle and its flame. The image of candle in the plane mirror is of the same size as the original candle.
    • Also if we see the figure, then we will find that the candle has a flame at the top and the image of candle also has a flame at the top. So, the top of candle remains at the top in the image. In the same way, the bottom of candle remains at the bottom in an image. Such an image is called an erect image (or upright image). Therefore, the image formed by a plane mirror is erect.

    Question 4.
    The side mirror of a scooter got broken. The mechanic replaced it with a plane mirror. Mention any inconvenience that the driver of the scooter will face while using it. [NCERT Examplar; HOTS] Answer:
    As we know that the side mirror of a scooter must be of convex mirror so that we can view a wide range of traffic spread over a large area. But if plane mirror is used, we are not able to see large area of traffic which may be difficult for driving vehicle and can cause accident.

    Question 5.
    We need a shiny surface for reflection. Explain why.
    Since, the extent of reflection depends upon the shine and smoothness of the surface. So, greater the shining and smoothness of the surface, greater will be the reflection. So, this is a reason why we require a shiny surface for reflection.

    Question 6.
    Differentiate between a plane mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror without touching them.
    These mirrors can be differentiated by bringing our face close to each mirror turn by turn. Since, a plane mirror will produce an image of the same size as our face while a concave mirror will produce a magnified image and our face will look much bigger and on other sides, a convex mirror will produce a diminished image and our face will look much smaller like a small child.

    Question 7.
    The concave reflecting surface of a torch got rusted. What effect would this have on the beam of light from the torch? [NCERT Exemplar] Answer:
    If the reflecting surface of a torch got rusted, it produces diffused light with lower intensity and the objects are not clearly visible in this diffused and lower intensity of light.

    Question 8.
    Mention the type of image
    (a) which can be formed on the screen.
    (b) which cannot be formed on the screen.
    (a) The image which can be formed on the screen is real image.
    (b) The image which cannot be formed on the screen is virtual image.

    Question 9.
    Mention any two letters of English alphabet whose image formed in a plane mirror appears exactly similar to the letters.
    Since, image formed by the plane mirror shows lateral inversion, i.e. left seems to right or vice-versa. But in the case of alphabets A and H, these letters show the same image in the plane mirror.

    Question 10.
    A shopkeeper wanted to fix a mirror which will give a maximum view of his shop. What type of mirror should he use? Give reason.
    [NCERT Exemplar; HOTS] Answer:
    If a shopkeeper wanted to fix a mirror which will give him maximum view of his shop, he should use convex mirror.
    In case of convex mirror, it will give a wider field of view, i.e. it can collect light from a large area spread over them.

    Question 11.
    State the correct sequence (1-7) of colours in the spectrum formed by the prisms A and B shown in the figure.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 2
    When a white light is passed through a prism, it disperses into its seven constituent colours.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 3

    Question 12.
    Suppose we wish to obtain the real image of a distant tree. Explain two possible ways in which we can do it. [NCERT Exemplar] Answer:

    • In first case, we will use a concave mirror, as we know that concave mirror can form real image, i.e. image on screen. The image of distant tree will be at focus in case of concave mirror.
    • In second case, we can use a convex lens as it forms real image of a distant object at focus, i. e. image of distant tree in case of convex lens will be formed at focus.

    Question 13.
    Explain the term lateral inversion.
    When an image is formed by the mirror in such a way that the left side of image is object’s right side and right side of image is object’s left side. So, this process of change in the sides of the object as well as of image is known as lateral inversion.

    Question 14.
    State the characteristics of images formed by a concave mirror.
    The characteristics of image formed by a concave mirror are:

    • The image formed by a concave mirror is not always the same size as the object. It can be either larger or smaller depending on the distance of the object to the mirror.
    • The image formed by a concave mirror is inverted when the object is kept far from the mirror. So, when it is brought very close to the concave mirror, then an erect and enlarged image is formed.

    Question 15.
    Boojho made light from a laser torch to fall on a prism. Will he be able to observe a band of seven colours? Explain with a reason. [NCERT Exemplar; HOTS] Answer:
    No, he will not observe band of seven colours because laser light consists of monochromatic light of single colour.
    But seven colours of bands are only observed, when a white light is passed through a prism and dispersion takes place.

    Question 16.
    Briefly explain why in ambulance words are written laterally inverted. [HOTS] Answer:
    In case of mirror, the image formed by it is laterally inverted, i.e. left seems to be right and right seems to be left. So, in ambulance there is emergency for patients to reach hospital and by viewing in rear mirror, it can be easily identified of a vehicle and everyone give him a way.

    Question 17.
    Assume, a person is standing in front of a plane mirror. The distance between the mirror and his image is 6 m. If the person moves 2 m towards the plane mirror, what would be the distance between the person and his image? [HOTS] Answer:
    Since, the image is 6m away from the plane mirror. So, it means that the object is also 6m away from the mirror.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 4
    [Because OP = PI] So, when the person moves 2 m towards the plane mirror, then the distance between the person and the plane mirror will be equal to (6 m – 2 m) = 4 m, this means that distance between the image and the mirror will be 4m.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 5
    The distance between the person and his image = PO’+ PI’= 4 + 4 = 8m

    Light Class 7 Science Extra Questions Long Answer Type Questions

    Question 1.
    Explain with the help of an activity that when seven colours are mixed together, then white colour is formed.
    Firstly, take a circular cardboard disc of about 10 cm diameter, then divide this disc into seven equal segments and paint the seven colours of white light (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) on these segments (as shown in figure given ). Instead of painting the segments, we can also paste seven coloured papers on these segments. So, this disc painted with the seven colours of spectrum is called Newton’s disc. Now, make a small hole at the centre of the disc.
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 6
    Fix the disc loosely on the tip of a refill of a ball pen. Be confirm that the disc can rotate freely. Now, rotate the disc quickly in day light. So, when the disc is rotated very fast, then all the seven colours mix together due to which the disc appears to be white (see figure). Therefore, the rapid rotation of Newton’s colour disc tells us that mixing of seven colours of the spectrum can give us white light.

    Question 2.
    It was observed that when the distance between an object and a lens decreases, the size of the image increases. What is the nature of this lens? If you keep on decreasing the distance between the object and the lens, will you still able to obtain the image on the screen? Explain. [NCERT Exemplar; HOTS] Answer:
    On decreasing the distance between the object and lens, the size of the image increases, the nature of the lens will be convex type.
    If the distance between object and lens is less than the focus of the lens, then it forms a virtual image and this image cannot be obtained on a screen but formed on the same side of the object.

    Question 3.
    Give the definition dispersion of light. Also, explain why does it take place? Draw a diagram to show the dispersion of white light by a glass prism.
    In the year 1665, Newton discovered by his experiments with glass prisms that white light (like sunlight) consists of a mixture of lights of seven colours. Newton found that if a beam of white light is passed through a glass prism, then the white light splits to form a band of seven colours on a white screen . The band of seven colours formed on a white screen, when a beam of white light is passed through a glass prism, is known as spectrum of white light. The seven colours of the spectrum are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet .
    Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 7
    So, dispersion of light is phenomenon of splitting up of white light into seven colours on passing through a transparent medium like a glass prism. The formation of spectrum of seven colours indicates that white light is a mixture of seven colours. White light can be sunlight. So, now we can say that the sunlight consists of seven colours.
    We can mix these colours to get white light. This can be done by using Newton’s disc, let us try this.

    Question 4.
    You are given three mirrors of different types.
    How will you identify each one of them? [NCERT Exemplar] Answer:
    We can identify the mirrors by forming image of an object.

    • Plane mirror In case of plane mirror, image will be virtual, erect and of same size as that of object.
    • Concave mirror In case of concave mirror, image may be real, virtual and magnified or diminished.
    • Convex mirror In case of convex mirror, image formed will always be virtual, erect and diminished.

    Question 5.
    Namit was driving a car and suddenly became aware of a loud sound coming from behind. He looked through his rear view mirror and saw an ambulance. He recalled reading that such emergency vehicles often have their name written in the mirror (AMBULANCE) or writing, i. e. Light Class 7 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15 8
    He quickly made way for the ambulance, murmuring a quick prayer for the speedy recovery of the patient inside the ambulance.
    (a) Name the type of mirror which is used as a rear view mirror and why?
    (b) Mention values did Namit exhibit. (Value Based Question] Answer:
    (a) Convex mirror is a mirror which is used as a rearview mirror. It is used to get a wide view of traffic behind.
    (b) The values exhibit by Namit here is courtesy concerned for other, sympathy, knowledgeable.

    Question 6.
    One day, Ramesh’s friend was performing their respective experiments given by their teacher. While sitting in the practical lab instead of performing experiment, Ramesh was playing with his meter scale. All the sudden, he held the scale in his hand and started moving in front of tubelight, then he observed the seven colours of white light. After sometimes, he got scolded by his lab teacher for not performing the experiment.
    (a) Give the name of phenomenon that leads to the formation of band of seven colours.
    (b) Name the constituent colours of white light.
    (c) Mention the values shown by Ramesh here. (Value Based Question] Answer:
    (a) Dispersion of white light is the name of phenomenon which leads to the formation of band of seven colours.
    (b) There are seven constituent colours of white light, they are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red (i.e. VIBGYOR).
    (c) Ramesh seems to be quite innovative with respect to the scientific methods and also very eager to learn science regarding phenomena.

    Question 7.
    Last Sunday Girish’s mother, Priyanka was preparing the dinner in her kitchen for Girish and his father. Both of them were feeling so much hungry and they sat ideally on their respective chairs and having empty plates and spoons on their dinning table. They were shouting like a 5 years old child that they wanted the dinner so much eagerly in order to fulfil their stomach. At the sometime, Girish’s mother served the cooked food to both of them and the moment, when Girish was just about to eat the rice with the help of spoon, he noticed that the spoon has such a shining surface that it reflected the light rays incident on it.
    (a) Explain the importance of shining surface in the reflection of light.
    (b) Name the type of spherical mirror represented by the shining steel spoon.
    (c) Mention the values shown by Priyanka here towards her family. [Value Based Question] Answer:
    (a) As we know that the extent of reflection depends upon the shining of surface. So, greater the shining of the surface, more will be the reflection.
    (b) Both convex and concave mirrors are represented by the shining steel spoon.
    (c) The values shown by Priyanka here is concern and a satisfaction that she gets after serving the cooked food to her son and her husband.

    Light Class 7 Science Extra Questions Miscellaneous Questions

    Multiple Choice Questions
    Question 1.
    Boojho and Paheli were given one mirror each by their teacher. Boojho found his image to be erect and of the same size, whereas Paheli found her image erect and smaller in size. This means that the mirrors of Boojho and Paheli respectively are [NCERT Exemplar] (a) plane mirror and concave mirror
    (b) concave mirror and convex mirror
    (c) plane mirror and convex mirror
    (d) convex mirror and plane mirror
    (c) plane mirror and convex mirror

    Question 2.
    Which of the following always diverge light rays?
    (a) Convex mirror and plane mirror
    (b) Concave lens and convex mirror
    (c) Concave mirror and convex lens
    (d) Concave lens and convex mirror
    (b) Concave lens and convex mirror

    Question 3.
    Which of the following would you prefer to use while reading small letters found in a dictionary?
    (a) A convex lens
    (b) A convex mirror
    (c) A concave lens
    (d) Either (a) or (b)
    (a) A convex lens

    Question 4.
    if an object is placed at a distance of 0.5 m in front of a plane mirror, the distance between the object and the image formed by the mirror will be [NCERT Exemplar] (a) 2 m
    (b) 1 m
    (c) 0.5 m
    (d) 0.25 m
    (b) The distance between object and mirror is given by 0.5 + 0.5= 1 m.

    Question 5.
    A virtual image
    (a) can be formed on the screen
    (b) cannot be formed on the screen
    (c) is formed only by a plane mirror
    (d) is formed only by the convex mirror
    (b) cannot be formed on the screen

    Question 6.
    You are provided with a concave mirror, a convex mirror, a concave lens and a convex lens. To obtain an enlarged image of an object, you can use either
    (a) concave mirror or convex mirror
    (b) concave mirror or convex lens
    (c) concave mirror or concave lens
    (d) concave lens or convex lens
    (b) concave mirror or convex lens

    Question 7.
    A rainbow can be seen in the sky [NCERT Exemplar] (a) when the sun is in front of you
    (b) when the sun is behind you
    (c) when the sun is overhead
    (d) only at the time of sunrise
    (b) when the sun is behind you

    Question 8.
    An erect and enlarged image can be formed by
    (a) only a convex mirror
    (b) only a concave mirror
    (c) only a plane mirror
    (d) Both convex and concave mirrors
    (b) only a concave mirror

    Question 9.
    Which of the following can be used to form a real image?
    (a) Only concave mirror
    (b) Only plane mirror
    (c) Only convex mirror
    (d) Both concave and convex mirrors
    (a) Only concave mirror

    Question 10.
    You are provided with a convex mirror, a concave mirror, a convex lens and a concave lens. You can get an inverted image from [NCERT Exemplar] (a) both concave lens and convex lens
    (b) both concave mirror and convex mirror
    (c) both concave mirror and convex lens
    (d) both convex mirror and concave lens
    (c) both concave mirror and convex lens

    Question 11.
    An image formed by a lens is erect. Such an image could be formed by [NCERT Exemplar] (a) convex lens provided the image is smaller than object
    (b) concave lens provided the image is smaller than object
    (c) concave lens provided the image is larger than object
    (d) concave lens provided the image is of the same size
    (b) concave lens provided the image is smaller than object

    Question 12.
    The colour of light which is deviated the least by prism in the spectrum of white light is
    (a) violet
    (b) green
    (c) yellow
    (d) red
    (a) Since, red colour has the greatest wavelength, that’s why, it is deviated the least in the spectrum of white light.

    Fill in the Blanks
    1. There are ………………….. types of spherical mirrors.
    2. Changing of left side of an object to right side of image is called …………………..
    3. ………………….. lens is also known as a magnifying glass.
    4. The change in the direction of light by a mirror is called ………………….. of light.
    5. A ………………….. is a curved transparent or translucent device that causes rays to either converge or diverge.
    6. Convex lenses are ………………….. in the middle than at the edges whereas concave lenses are in the middle than at the edges.
    7. A prism splits light into ………………….. colours.
    8. The inner surface of a steel spoon acts as a ………………….. mirror. [NCERT Exemplar] 9. The outer surface of a flat steel plate acts as a ………………….. mirror.
    10. The outer shining surface of a round bottom steel bowl acts as a ………………….. mirror.
    11. The inner surface of the reflector of a torch acts as a ………………….. mirror. [NCERT Exemplar] Answers:
    1. two
    2. lateral inversion
    3. Convex
    4. reflection
    5. lens
    6. thicker, thinner
    7. seven
    8. concave
    9. plane
    10. convex
    11. concave

    1. A concave lens can be used to produce an enlarged and erect image.
    2. A convex lens always produces a real image.
    3. The sides of an object and its image formed by a concave mirror are always interchanged. [NCERT Exemplar] 4. An object can be seen only if it emits light. [NCERT Exemplar] 5. The image formed in a plane mirror is erect, enlarged and virtual.
    6. A concave mirror always forms an erect and diminished image of the object.
    7. The image formed in a plane mirror is behind the mirror.
    8. A concave mirror is also known as a converging mirror.
    9. A virtual image is larger than the object can be produced by a convex mirror.
    10. The mirror which can form a magnified image of an object is both convex and concave mirrors.
    11. In a convex spherical mirror, reflection of light takes place at a bent in surface.
    1. False, a concave lens can be used to produce an erect and diminished (smaller than the object image).
    2. False, no, a convex lens does not always produce a real image because when the object is placed close to the convex lens, then the image formed by convex lens is virtual, erect and larger than the object.
    3. True
    4. False, an object can be seen even if the ray of light is emitted from some different sources of light and suffering the reflection from the object surface after getting incident on it.
    5. False, the image formed in a plane mirror is always erect and virtual.
    6. False, a concave mirror always forms an erect, virtual and enlarged (larger than the object) image.
    7. True
    8. True
    9. False, an enlarged image is always larger than the object and is always formed by a concave mirror.
    10. False, a concave mirror is a mirror which forms the magnified image of an object.
    11. False, in a convex spherical mirror, reflection of light takes place out the bent out (bulging out) surface.

    Match the Columns
    Question 1.
    Match the Columns I with Column II.

    Column 1 Column II
    (a) Real image (i) Cannot be formed on the screen
    (b) Magnified image (ii) Upside down image
    (c) Erect image (iii) Smaller than the object
    (d) Diminished image (iv) Upright image
    (e) Virtual image (v) Bigger than the object
    (f) Inverted image (vi) Formed on the screen


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