MathsPercentage Increase Calculator | Calculating Percentage Change

Percentage Increase Calculator | Calculating Percentage Change

Percentage Increase is the amount of increase from the original number to the final number in terms of 100 parts of the original. Have a glance at the pecentage Increase Formula, How to Solve Percentage Increase Related Problems, etc. Check out the Solved Examples on Percentage Increase and learn how to approach them. Apply the Concept for Solving Some Real-Life Problems and get the Percentage Increase easily. Get to know the concept much better by going through the further modules.

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    Percentage Increase Formula

    The Formula to Calculate Percentage Increase is given by

    Percentage Increase = ((New Value – Original Value)/Original Value)*100

    To help you be clear with the concept of % increase we will provide you with some examples in the coming modules.

    How to Calculate the Percentage Increase?

    Go through the following guidelines on how to find the Percentage Increase. They are as such

    • Firstly, find the Percentage Increase i.e. (New Value – Original Value).
    • Divide the Percentage Increase with the Original Value.
    • Multiply the resultant fraction over 100 and place the percentage symbol after that.

    Example Questions on Increase Percentage

    1. The Price of Paddy Increases from $10 to $13 Per Kg? Calculate the Percentage Increase in Price?


    Original Price of Paddy = $10

    New Price of Paddy = $13

    Increase in Price of Paddy = New Price – Original Price

    = $13 – $10

    = $3

    Percentage Increase = (Increase in Price/Original Price)*100

    = (3/10)*100

    = 30%

    Therefore, Percentage Increase in the Price of Paddy is 30%.

    2. Find the Increase in Value if 200 increases by 20%?


    Increase = 20%(200)

    = 20/100*200

    = 40

    Increase in Value = 200+40

    = 240

    Therefore, Increase in Value is 240.

    3. Population of a Town increases from 15000 to 22000 in one year. Calculate the Percentage Increase in the Population?


    Population of the town initially = 15000

    Population of town after one year = 22000

    Increase in Population = 22000 – 15000

    = 7000

    Percentage Increase in Population = (Percentage Increase/Original Population)*100

    = (7000/15000)*100

    = 46.66%

    Therefore, the Increase in Population Percentage from 15000 to 22000 is 46.66%

    4. Consider a $1,200 investment increased in value to $1,400 dollars in a year. What is the percent increase of the investment?


    Original Investment = $1200

    Investment after one year = $1400

    Increase in Investment = $1400 – $1200

    = $200

    Percentage Increase = (Increase in Investment/ Original Investment)*100

    = (200/1200)*100

    = 16.66%

    5. If the Price of Petrol increases from Rs. 75/- to Rs. 80/- per litre. Find the Percentage Increase in Petrol?


    Original Price of Petrol = Rs. 75/-

    New Price of Petrol = Rs. 80/-

    Increase in Petrol Price = Rs. 80- Rs. 75

    = Rs. 5

    Percentage Increase = (Increase in Petrol Price/Original Price)*100

    = (5/75)*100

    = 100/15

    = 6.66%

    Therefore, the Percentage Increase in Petrol is 6.66%

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