Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsRD Sharma Class 7 Solutions chapte-12 Profit and loss Exercise-12.1 Q 6

RD Sharma Class 7 Solutions chapte-12 Profit and loss Exercise-12.1 Q 6


Q 6. A grain merchant sold 600 quatil of rice at a profit of 7% . If a quatil of rice cost him rupees 250 and his total overhead charge for transportation, etc. were Rupees 1000 his total profit and the selling price of 600 quatil of rice.


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    RD Sharma 7 solutions 12.Profit and loss Ex-12.1 Q 6

    Class 7 is a stage where several new topics are introduced. Our experts formulate RD Sharma Solution to help students in their exam preparation to achieve excellent marks in Maths. The solutions are stepwise and detailed to make learning easy for students.

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