Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsRD Sharma Class 7 Solutions chapter-23 Data Handling-II Exercise-23.1 Q15

RD Sharma Class 7 Solutions chapter-23 Data Handling-II Exercise-23.1 Q15

Data Handling’ is the chapter in class 7 that introduces children to the very important concept of collecting and organizing data to take out the important and desired information. Data Handling is important as it has many day-to-day applications in our lives.

In the data-driven world where Data Science is given a lot of importance, the Data Handling of class 7 can instil an interest that can shape the student’s future. Class 7 Data Handling is the introduction towards the field of organizing data and taking out the desirable outcomes.

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    Exercise-23.1 Q15.

    RD Sharma 7 solutions 23.Data Handling-II (central values) Ex-23.1 Q 15


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