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50 Examples of Upsarg in Hindi with Meanings and Usage

50 Examples of Upsarg in Hindi: In Hindi grammar, Upsarg (उपसर्ग) refers to a prefix that is added to the beginning of a root word to form a new word with a different meaning. These prefixes play an essential role in the formation of words and contribute to Hindi language learning by expanding the vocabulary. Understanding Upsarg is crucial for mastering Hindi grammar rules and enriching one’s language skills.

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    Prefix and Suffix

    Upsarg in Hindi

    There are various types of Upsarg in Hindi, each with specific functions and meanings. They alter the meaning of words by adding nuances like negation, intensification, or direction. For example, the prefix “अधि-” (Adhi) in “अधिकार” (Adhikar) means ‘authority,’ while “अप्रत्याशित” (A-pratyashit) denotes ‘unexpected,’ with the prefix “अ-” indicating negation.

    Upsarg is often confused with Pratyay (suffix), but the two differ in placement; while Upsarg is attached before the root word, Pratyay comes at the end of a word. There are many common examples of prefixes in Hindi, such as “अति-” (Ati), “प्रति-” (Prati), and “उप-” (Up), each adding distinct meanings to words.

    Learning how to use and identify Upsarg in Hindi is important for improving vocabulary and mastering Hindi Vyakaran. Moreover, the knowledge of Sanskrit Upsarg in Hindi can also help in understanding the language’s rich history and structure. In the following sections, we will explore 50 examples of Upsarg in Hindi to further illustrate how they shape the meanings of words.

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    50 Examples of Upsarg in Hindi and English

    Upsarg Meaning Example Word Meaning of Example
    अधि- Over, Above अधिकार (Adhikar) Authority
    अप्र- Negation, Without अप्रत्याशित (Apratyashit) Unexpected
    प्रति- Towards, Against प्रतिकूल (Pratikul) Adverse
    उप- Sub, Near, In addition उपकार (Upkar) Favor, Help
    अधि- More, Higher अधिकारिता (Adhikarita) Authority, Right
    अति- Extremely, Very अत्यधिक (Atyadhik) Excessive, Very much
    सम- Together, Complete समाज (Samaj) Society
    निर- Without, Absence निराशा (Nirasha) Disappointment
    आ- Towards, Coming आगमन (Aagman) Arrival
    परि- Around, Complete परिवर्तन (Parivartan) Change
    नि- Down, Off, Negation निकालना (Nikalna) To take out, Remove
    उद- Out, Begin उद्धार (Uddhar) Rescue, Salvation
    प्र- Forward, For प्रसिद्ध (Prasiddh) Famous
    वि- Separate, Reverse विकसित (Viksit) Developed
    सुप्र- Very good, Excellent सुप्रसिद्ध (Suprasiddh) Very famous
    अंति- End अंतिम (Antim) Final, Last
    सह- With, Together सहयोग (Sahyog) Cooperation
    प्रभु- Superior प्रभुत्व (Prabhutv) Dominion, Rule
    आदि- Beginning, First आदिक्रम (Adikram) Initial, First move
    सम्पू- Complete सम्पूर्ण (Sampurn) Complete, Entire
    उ- Out, Away उद्धारण (Uddharan) Example
    सुप- Good, Well सुप्रभात (Suprabhat) Good morning
    न- Not, No, Without निराकार (Nirakar) Formless
    अन्त- End अंतर्दृष्टि (Antardrishti) Insight
    नि- Under, Down निम्नलिखित (Nimnalikhit) Below-mentioned
    अनु- Following, After अनुवाद (Anuvad) Translation
    अधि- More, Superior अधिपत्य (Adhipatya) Rule, Authority
    स- With, Together संग्रह (Sangrah) Collection
    दुर- Bad, Hard दुर्बल (Durbal) Weak
    अति- Excessive अतिवृष्टि (Ativrishti) Excessive rainfall
    उप- Sub, Near उपभोक्ता (Upbhokta) Consumer
    अन- Not, Without अज्ञात (Agyat) Unknown
    द्वि- Two द्विभाषी (Dvihashee) Bilingual
    साध- Pure, Straight साधारण (Sadharan) Ordinary
    अनु- Following, Successive अनुकरण (Anukaran) Imitation
    अप- Negative, Away अपमान (Apmaan) Insult
    अभि- Towards, Upon अभियोग (Abhiyog) Accusation
    संग- Together, Associated संग्रह (Sangrah) Collection
    निष्क- Completely, Totally निष्कपट (Nishkapat) Sincere
    अति- Excessive, Beyond अतिशयोक्ति (Atishayokti) Exaggeration
    आव- Near, Surrounding आवरण (Aavaran) Covering
    विश- Special, Distinct विश्लेषण (Vishleshan) Analysis
    अधि- Above, Supreme अधिवक्ता (Adhivakta) Lawyer
    सम- Equal, Balanced समाज (Samaj) Society
    उत्- Up, Superior उत्साह (Utsah) Enthusiasm
    सु- Good, Well सुगंध (Sugandh) Fragrance
    निर्- Without, Absence निर्धन (Nirdhan) Poor
    वि- Apart, Special विचार (Vichar) Thought
    अपि- Also, Even अपितु (Apitu) Rather
    परि- All Around पर्यावरण (Paryavaran) Environment
    उप- Sub, Supporting उपाधि (Upadhi) Title, Degree
    प्र- Before, Forward प्रसन्न (Prasann) Cheerful
    सह- With, Together सहकर्मी (Sahakarmi) Colleague
    दुष्- Bad, Wicked दुष्कर्म (Dushkarm) Wrong Deed

    10 Examples of Upsarg and Pratyay

    Type Prefix/Suffix Meaning Example Word Meaning of Example
    Upsarg अधि- Over, Higher अधिकार (Adhikar) Authority, Right
    Upsarg प्रति- Towards, Against प्रतिरोध (Pratirodh) Resistance
    Upsarg निर- Without, Negation निराकार (Nirakar) Formless
    Upsarg उप- Sub, Near उपलब्ध (Uplabdh) Available
    Upsarg सह- With, Together सहयोग (Sahyog) Cooperation
    Pratyay -ता State, Quality सच्चाई (Sachai) Truth
    Pratyay -न Action, Process चलन (Chalan) Trend, Movement
    Pratyay -वाला One who does something खिलवाला (Khilwala) Gardener (One who grows plants)
    Pratyay -ई Feminine, One who कर्मचारी (Karmachari) Employee
    Pratyay -पना State, Condition इतिहासिकता (Itihasikta) Historicity

    50 Examples of Upsarg in Hindi FAQs

    What are 20 examples of Upsarg?

    Here are 20 examples of Upsarg (prefixes) in Hindi: अधि- (Adhi) अप्र- (Apr) प्रति- (Prati) उप- (Up) अति- (Ati) सम- (Sam) निर- (Nir) आ- (A) परि- (Pari) नि- (Ni) अनु- (Anu) अंति- (Anti) सह- (Sah) प्रभु- (Prabhu) आदि- (Adi) सुप्र- (Supr) न- (Na) द्वि- (Dvi) अप- (Ap) उ- (U)

    What is Upsarg Pratyay in English?

    Upsarg is a prefix in Hindi, which is added to a root word to modify its meaning. Pratyay refers to a suffix in Hindi that is added to the end of a word to change its grammatical form, such as tense, number, or case.

    What are Upsarg and Pratyay examples?

    Upsarg Example: अधि- (Adhi) in अधिकार (Adhikar) means 'authority.' Pratyay Example: -ता (Ta) in सच्चाई (Sachai) means 'truthfulness.

    How many types of prefixes are there?

    There are several types of prefixes (Upsarg) in Hindi, such as positive, negative, intensifying, and directional prefixes. Common ones include अति-, प्रति-, सुप्र-, and न-

    How to identify Upsarg and Pratyay?

    To identify Upsarg (prefix), look for the prefix added at the beginning of the root word (e.g., उप- in उपकार). To identify Pratyay (suffix), look for the suffix added at the end of the word (e.g., -ता in सच्चाई).

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