Potential Energy of a Spring

Introduction: Whenever there is a compression or extension in a stretched spring there is a force produced which is equal […]

Kinetic Work Energy Theorem

Introduction: Work is essentially the steady pressure this is executed on a machine and it’s miles manufactured from the thing […]

Non-Conservative Forces

Introduction: Conservative or non-conservative forces exist. Working for a non – conservative force is reliant on the path taken. A […]

Moment of a force

Moment of Force Introduction: The measure of the force that may spin a body about a specific axis or point […]

Equation of Rotational Motion

Introduction: Everywhere in the universe, there is rotational motion. Rotational motion is demonstrated by the movement of electrons around an […]

Moment of Inertia

When dealing with the motion of a rigid body, there are two forms of motion that it can have. A […]

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