Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 11 ChemistryNCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium

Subject specialists have created NCERT Solutions for Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 7 which includes thorough solutions for reference. These solutions are updated according to the latest term – II CBSE syllabus for 2012-22 and are provided in easy language for understanding. Tips and tricks are also provided.

These solutions are provided so a student can clear his doubts and get help with a deep understanding of the concept. Also, you can refer them to make the chapter notes and revisions notes. You can also download PDF from the link

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      NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 Equilibrium

      “Equilibrium” is the seventh chapter in the NCERT Class 11 Chemistry textbook. Important concepts such as equilibrium constants, buffer solutions, and the common-ion effect is well explained in this chapter. Along with textbook questions, the NCERT Solutions of this chapter are given on this page come with detailed explanations to help students learn and understand the key concepts related to the chemical equilibrium, in a simple manner. The important subtopics associated with this chapter are listed below.

      Subtopics included in NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 7 – Equilibrium

      1. Solid-liquid Equilibrium

      • Liquid-vapour Equilibrium
      • Solid – Vapour Equilibrium
      • Equilibrium Involving Dissolution Of Solid Or Gases In Liquids
      • General Characteristics Of Equilibria Involving Physical Processes

      2. Equilibrium In Chemical Processes – Dynamic Equilibrium

      3. Law Of Chemical Equilibrium And Equilibrium Constant

      4. Homogeneous Equilibria

      • Equilibrium Constant In Gaseous Systems

      5. Heterogeneous Equilibria

      6. Applications Of Equilibrium Constants

      • Predicting The Extent Of A Reaction
      • Predicting The Direction Of The Reaction
      • Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations

      7. Relationship Between Equilibrium Constant K, Reaction Quotient Q, And Gibbs Energy G

      8. Factors Affecting Equilibria

      • Effect Of Concentration Change
      • Effect Of Pressure Change
      • Effect Of Inert Gas Addition
      • Effect Of Temperature Change
      • Effect Of A Catalyst

      9. Ionic Equilibrium In Solution

      10. Acids, Bases, And Salts

      • Arrhenius Concept Of Acids And Bases
      • The Bronsted-lowry Acids And Bases
      • Lewis Acids And Bases

      11. Ionization Of Acids And Bases

      • The Ionization Constant Of Water And Its Ionic Product
      • The pH Scale
      • Ionization Constants Of Weak Acids
      • Ionization Of Weak Bases
      • The Relation Between Ka And Kb
      • Di- And Polybasic Acids And Di- And Polyacidic Bases
      • Factors Affecting Acid Strength
      • Common Ion Effect In The Ionization Of Acids And Bases
      • Hydrolysis Of Salts And The Ph Of Their Solutions

      12. Buffer Solutions

      13. Solubility Equilibria Of Sparingly Soluble Salts

      • Solubility Product Constant
      • Common Ion Effect On Solubility Of Ionic Salts

      Important topics covered in NCERT Solutions of this chapter are:

      • Law of chemical equilibrium
      • Equilibrium constant
      • Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria
      • Applications of equilibrium constants
      • Relationship between different equilibrium constants
      • Factors affecting equilibria
      • Ionic equilibrium in solution
      • Ionization of acids and bases
      • Buffer Solutions

      About Infinity Learn Solutions

      Infinity Learn’s mission is to create world-class learning content for students. We are focused on raising the students learning abilities. These Solutions have been structured very carefully to give several benefits to the students that utilize these study materials. That is why these are crafted by subject matter experts to focus on the concept and its explanation.

      For any type of support related to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 given here, students can approach our support team who will help clear all their doubts. Students can also check out the Infinity Learn website for a more efficient learning experience.

      Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions of this Chapter

      1. List out the important topics covered in these NCERT Solutions?
      2. What is the meaning of buffer solution in these NCERT Solutions?
      3. How are the NCERT Solutions for this chapter helpful for second-term exam preparation?

      1. List out the important topics covered in these NCERT Solutions?

      Ans. The important concepts covered in this chapter are:

      • Solid-liquid Equilibrium
      • Equilibrium In Chemical Processes – Dynamic Equilibrium
      • Law Of Chemical Equilibrium And Equilibrium Constant
      • Homogeneous Equilibria
      • Heterogeneous Equilibria
      • Applications Of Equilibrium Constants
      • Relationship Between Equilibrium Constant K, Reaction Quotient Q, And Gibbs Energy G
      • Factors Affecting Equilibria
      • Ionic Equilibrium In Solution
      • Acids, Bases, And Salts
      • Ionization Of Acids And Bases
      • Buffer Solutions
      • Solubility Equilibria Of Sparingly Soluble Salts

      2. What is the meaning of buffer solution in these NCERT Solutions?

      Ans. According to NCERT Solutions of this chapter, it is a water solvent-based solution that consists of a mixture containing a weak acid and the conjugate base of the weak acid, or a weak base and the conjugate acid of the weak base. Their function is to resist a change in pH upon dilution or upon the addition of small amounts of acid/alkali to them.

      3. How are the NCERT Solutions for this chapter helpful for second-term exam preparation?

      Ans. Practicing NCERT Solutions of this chapter help the students to top the exams and be master in this subject. These solutions are prepared, based on the recently updated term – II CBSE Syllabus, covering all the important topics of the respective subjects. Solving these questions will provide the students with more confidence to face the term – II exams. Topics covered in these solutions form the basis for top scores. It helps the students to get familiar with answering questions of all difficulty levels available. These solutions are recommended to the students for referencing and to practice for their exams.

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