BlogCBSEClass 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1 CBSE Sample Papers

Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1 CBSE Sample Papers

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1

Section A Reading [20 Marks]

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    1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
    ‘The Father of White Revolution’, Verghese Kurien could’ve had a glorious career abroad, with multiple degrees to his name. But he chose to stay back in Gujarat and the rest is history. He believed that a country’s biggest assets are its people. He improved the living standards of millions of poor farmers by placing technology and professional expertise in their hands.
    Kurien was born on 26th November, 1921 at Calicut, Kerala in a Syrian Christian family. His father was a civil surgeon in Cochin. He graduated in Physics from Loyola College, Madras in 1940 and then obtained his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras. He also studied at Tata Steel Technical Institute, Jamshedpur, after which he went to USA to pursue his masters.
    Kurien came back from USA and was immediately assigned to work at Anand in Gujarat’s Kheda district in 1949. He had made up his mind ‘to quit but was persuaded to stay by Tribhuvandas Patel, who had brought together farmers as a union to process and sell their milk. So he stayed and his sincere efforts were applauded by the then PM Lai Bahadur Shastri who came to inaugurate Amul’s plant
    Kurien was mentioned by the Ashoka Foundation as one of the eminent present day social entrepreneurs. His ‘billion-litre’ idea or ‘Operation Flood’ is the world’s biggest agricultural development programme. The operation transformed India from a milk-lacking nation to the largest milk producer in the world, surpassing the US in 1998, with 17% of global output in 2010-11.
    He also made the country self-reliant in edible oils. He also founded 30 institutions which are owned by farmers.
    Kurien was behind the creation of Amul, where milk powder from buffalo milk was produced for the first time in the world. Kurien’s life story is chronicled in his personal memoir—‘I too Had a dream.’ Film-maker Shyam Benegal produced a film, Manthan, based on the cooperative milk movement in India.
    Not able to finance it himself, he sought Kurien’s help, who got half a million farmers to contribute ?2 each for the making of the movie. The farmers loved ‘their’ own film and it won many awards. UNDP planned to use the movie to start such cooperative ventures in Latin America,
    Verghese and his wife Molly had one daughter and a grandson. He died on 9th September, 2012 after a brief illness in Nadiad, near Anand. Interestingly, the man behind the milk revolution didn’t drink milk himself. His cooperative movement alleviated the misery and poverty of millions, not only in India, but also outside India. His contributions will always be admired.
    (a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply an appropriate title to it. (5)
    (b)Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)

    2.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)
    When an atma first takes birth, it has only sattvic qualities. But due to its actions on this earth, it acquires rajasic and tamasic qualities. So acting in the right manner is important. When a person performs actions, he must do so with sattvika tyaga. This means that he must not think of himself as the doer or think of the action as his. He ‘ must think of the actions as those of the Supreme One. He must not lay claim to any fruits of the actions. He must realise that the fruits of the actions are not his and it is the Lord’s grace that gives results for his actions. A person should not perform his duties with a view to gaining something. Likewise, worship too should not be for a purpose. A person who has rajasic qualities while doing his duty, lacks this attitude towards actions. The one with tamasic qualities fails to perform his duties.
    Doing prescribed actions is sattvika karma. Doing one’s duties with sattvika tyaga is to do sattvika karma. Rajasic karma is that which is done for a purpose and without sattvika tyaga. Tamasic karma is that which is done as one pleases, actions done at the wrong place, at the wrong time and in a way that harms oneself and others and doing what the Sastras forbid.
    The Lord spells out clearly in the Gita what one gets^Hadoine sottvikn karma. One gains control over the mind; one begins to think of His name constantly; one likes only His mantras; one gives up undesirable traits like anger, jealousy etc.
    A person who does actions with sattvika tyaga acquires parabhakti—i.e. awareness about the atma. In the next stage he gets parajnana—i.e. that a vision of the Supreme One. The last stage is Paramabhakti, which means that vision of the Supreme One becomes a lasting vision. Having said all this, the lord talks about Saranagati (total surrender) as a means to reach Him. Saranagati is the simplest way to reach Him.
    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6 = 6)
    (i)How can one acquire parabhakW?
    (a)by being aware of the surroundings
    (b)by doing yoga
    (c)by parajnana
    (d)by doing actions with sattvika tyaga
    (ii)What is meant by sattvika tyaga?
    (a)One is born with sattvic qualities
    (b)Actions performed are those of the Supreme One
    (c)Doing actions not considering it as his
    (d)Both b and c
    (iii)Who fails to perform his duties with the right attitude?
    (a)One with tamasic qualities (b) One with rajasic qualities
    (c)One with sattvic qualities (d) None of these
    (iv)What could be a suitable title for the passage out of the following?
    (a)The Right Karma
    (b)The Gita’s teaching
    (c)Way to Supreme God
    (d)Actions speaks louder than character
    (v)What is the order of the three stages being described in fourth paragraph?
    (a)parajnana, parabhakti, parambhakti
    (b)parambhakti, parabhakti, parajnana
    (c)parabhakti, parajnana, parambhakti
    (d)parabhakti, parajnana, saranagati
    (vi)What is the correct interpretation of the word paragraph?
    (a) try (b) intention (c) design (d)end
    (b)On the basis of your reading of the given passage,answer the following questions briefly.(1×6 = 6)
    (i) What is the right and simplest way to reach Him?
    (ii)Why do the Sastras forbid Tamasic Karma?
    (iii)What does one get by doing sattvika karma?
    (iv)The word in the third paragraph which is a synonym of ‘unacceptable’ is…………
    (v)The word……. from the passage is a synonym of ‘submission’.
    (vi)The phrase in the first paragraph which is the opposite of ‘deny’ is …………

    Section B Writing and Grammar [30 Marks]

    3.You are President, RWA Geeta Vihar. Recently you have seen a lot of poor people and beggars lying on the roads in very miserable condition. You really want to help them. Write a notice to be put up on the society notice board asking the families to voluntarily donate two chapatis each day for these underprivileged people. (4)
    A baby girl of about five years has been missing for seven days from Sarita Vihar, Jaipur. Write an advertisement for the classified column ‘Missing Person’ of a national daily in about 50 words. (4)

    4.You are very much interested in Humanities subjects. Unfortunately these had been dropped from your school as no one was opting for it. After having a conversation with some of your friends, you decide to highlight this matter. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the principal of your school reguesting him to re-introduce the Humanities stream at the Senior Secondary level. (6)
    Recently your school’s Basketball team participated in a national level tournament. Your team was ill-treated and had their worst experience ever. Write a letter to the concerned authority in about 120-150 words about the issues suggesting ways to improve it. You can use the following clues. (6)
    Clues Roughed up by other teams.
    No scheduling of matches
    Locker rooms and changing rooms in pathetic condition
    Privatisation of stadia
    Proper management of events
    Cordial staff

    5.The warden of your hostel has been receiving many complaints from students about the poor food and service provided by the hostel canteen. He has appointed you the head of a team of students to inquire into these complaints. Write a report with suitable suggestions. (150-200 words) (10)
    Write a speech on the ‘Importance of Well Maintained Gardens in Educational Institutes. (150-200 words) (10)

    6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given below, against the correct blank. The correction in the first line has been done for you.(1/2×8= 4)

    Incorrect Correct

    e.g. People come to him when the Come Came
    (a)patient is on his last legs. Dr ……….. ………..
    (b)Raman often burst out, ‘Why cannot’ ……….. ………..
    (c)you were come a day earlier? ……….. ………..
    (d)The reason being obvious; the visiting fee ……….. ………..
    (f)the time has come to call in Dr Raman; ……….. ………..
    (g)for them there is something omnious in the very association ……….. ………..
    (h)of his names with a patient ……….. ………..

    7.Rearrange the following words/ phrases into meaningful sentences.(1×2 = 2)
    (a)be the cost / the government should / whatever / I think / health service / improve the
    (b)this part of the / next year / this time / be looking amazing / building will

    8.Look at the notes in the box about what Keshav did yesterday. Complete the following passage by filling in the blank places appropriately. Do not add any new information. (1×4 = 4)
    7:30 Get up and shower
    8:00 Breakfast (milk and toast)
    8:15 Left for office
    8:45 onwards Reached office late
    8:45 Very busy with lots of work
    1:00 Lunch in office (Regular diet) ,
    It was a normal day for Keshav yesterday. He (a) ……………..
    Then he (b) ……….. At 8:15 he left for
    office but (c) ……… At office in the morning
    he was (d) …………. At 1:00 he had lunch
    wherein he ate his regular diet.

    Section C Literature and Long Reading Text [30 Marks]

    9.Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option.(1×3 = 3)
    “Now she’s been dead nearly as many years
    As that girl lived. And of this circumstance.
    There is nothing to say at all.
    Its silence silences”.
    (i)Who does ‘she’ refer to in the above stanza?
    (ii)How many years has the poet’s mother been dead?
    (iii)The silence of the circumstance……………………….

    10.Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i)What was the reaction of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother towards his education in the English school?
    (ii)What changes come after Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald exchange their personalities?
    (iii)Describe the rain-cycle brought out in the poem, ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
    (iv)Describe the incident when Mr Crocker-Harris made one of his classical jokes.

    11.Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Do you think that our past experiences, help us to make our life better? Related to the chapter, ‘Discovering Tut: The Saga continues’ discuss, “Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.” (6)
    The story, ‘The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’ conveys the message of honesty and integrity. How do the characters maintain these qualities inspite of their desire to keep the horse with themselves? (6)

    Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12.Explain the importance of the mysterious bloodstains made by Sir Simon’s Ghost.(The Canterville Ghost)’? (6)

    Mention how the teaching at Hampton Institute was different from that at Washington DC? (Up From Slavery) (6)

    13.Give a brief character sketch of the Canterville Ghost. (The Cartterville Ghost)(6)
    Give a character sketch of the slaves, describing their human nature and loyalty towards their masters. (Up From Slavery) (6)


    Section A Reading [20 Marks]

    1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (8)
    ‘The Father of White Revolution’, Verghese Kurien could’ve had a glorious career abroad, with multiple degrees to his name. But he chose to stay back in Gujarat and the rest is history. He believed that a country’s biggest assets are its people. He improved the living standards of millions of poor farmers by placing technology and professional expertise in their hands.
    Kurien was born on 26th November, 1921 at Calicut, Kerala in a Syrian Christian family. His father was a civil surgeon in Cochin. He graduated in Physics from Loyola College, Madras in 1940 and then obtained his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras. He also studied at Tata Steel Technical Institute, Jamshedpur, after which he went to USA to pursue his masters.
    Kurien came back from USA and was immediately assigned to work at Anand in Gujarat’s Kheda district in 1949. He had made up his mind ‘to quit but was persuaded to stay by Tribhuvandas Patel, who had brought together farmers as a union to process and sell their milk. So he stayed and his sincere efforts were applauded by the then PM Lai Bahadur Shastri who came to inaugurate Amul’s plant
    Kurien was mentioned by the Ashoka Foundation as one of the eminent present day social entrepreneurs. His ‘billion-litre’ idea or ‘Operation Flood’ is the world’s biggest agricultural development programme. The operation transformed India from a milk-lacking nation to the largest milk producer in the world, surpassing the US in 1998, with 17% of global output in 2010-11.
    He also made the country self-reliant in edible oils. He also founded 30 institutions which are owned by farmers.
    Kurien was behind the creation of Amul, where milk powder from buffalo milk was produced for the first time in the world. Kurien’s life story is chronicled in his personal memoir—‘I too Had a dream.’ Film-maker Shyam Benegal produced a film, Manthan, based on the cooperative milk movement in India.
    Not able to finance it himself, he sought Kurien’s help, who got half a million farmers to contribute ? 2 each for the making of the movie. The farmers loved ‘their’ own film and it won many awards. UNDP planned to use the movie to start such cooperative ventures in Latin America,
    Verghese and his wife Molly had one daughter and a grandson. He died on 9th September, 2012 after a brief illness in Nadiad, near Anand. Interestingly, the man behind the milk revolution didn’t drink milk himself. His cooperative movement alleviated the misery and poverty of millions, not only in India, but also outside India. His contributions will always be admired.
    (a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply an appropriate title to it. (5)
    (b)Write a summary of the above passage in about 80-100 words. (3)
    Ans. (a) Title Verghese Kurien : The Milkman of India
    I.Introduction : Verghese Kurien
    (i) Left glorious career abroad to serve India
    (ii) Biggest asset to India
    (iii) Improved stds of farmers by his expertise
    II.Personal and Educational Background
    (i) Born on 26th Nov, 1921, at Calicut
    (ii) Physics graduate from Loyola College Madras in 1940
    (iii) Bachelors in Mechanical Engg from Univ of Madras
    (iv) Studied at Tata Steel Technical Institute Jamshedpur
    (v) Went USA for Masters
    (i) Anand
    ■ united farmers to process and sell milk
    (ii) ‘billion-litre’ Idea
    ■world’s biggest agricultural dev prog
    ■ trnsf India from milk-lacking to largest milk producer
    ■surpassed USA in 1998
    (iii) Creation of Amul
    ■ milk powder from buffalo milk – first time in world
    (iv) made country self-reliant in edible oils
    IV.Awards and Titles
    (i) The father of white revolution
    (ii) Apldd by PM Lai Bahadur Shastri
    (iii)Mentioned as eminent social entrpm by Ashoka foundation
    V.Film on Kurien
    (i) Produced by Shyam Benegal
    (ii) Based on cooperative milk mov in India
    (iii) Kurien helped in finance
    (iv)Farmers contributed
    (v)Movie won awards
    (i) Left behind wife, daughter and grandson
    (ii) Died on 9th Sep, 2012
    (iii) Contributions admired across the world
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1-1
    (b) Summary
    Verghese Kurien improved the lives of millions of Indian farmers by pioneering the ‘White Revolution’. Born in 1921 in Calicut, he graduated in engineering from Madras University and did his master’s in the USA. Fie came back to work at Anand in Gujarat, where his ‘billion litre’ idea transformed India from a milk – lacking country to the world’s biggest milk producer. Fie created the ‘Amul’ brand, making milk powder from buffalo milk. He made India self reliant in edible also, winning many awards for his work. The film, ‘Manthan’ was based in his work. He died in 2012.

    2.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)
    When an atma first takes birth, it has only sattvic qualities. But due to its actions on this earth, it acquires rajasic and tamasic qualities. So acting in the right manner is important. When a person performs actions, he must do so with sattvika tyaga. This means that he must not think of himself as the doer or think of the action as his. He ‘ must think of the actions as those of the Supreme One. He must not lay claim to any fruits of the actions. He must realise that the fruits of the actions are not his and it is the Lord’s grace that gives results for his actions. A person should not perform his duties with a view to gaining something. Likewise, worship too should not be for a purpose. A person who has rajasic qualities while doing his duty, lacks this attitude towards actions. The one with tamasic qualities fails to perform his duties.
    Doing prescribed actions is sattvika karma. Doing one’s duties with sattvika tyaga is to do sattvika karma. Rajasic karma is that which is done for a purpose and without sattvika tyaga. Tamasic karma is that which is done as one pleases, actions done at the wrong place, at the wrong time and in a way that harms oneself and others and doing what the Sastras forbid.
    The Lord spells out clearly in the Gita what one gets^Hadoine sottvikn karma. One gains control over the mind; one begins to think of His name constantly; one likes only His mantras; one gives up undesirable traits like anger, jealousy etc.
    A person who does actions with sattvika tyaga acquires parabhakti—i.e. awareness about the atma. In the next stage he gets parajnana—i.e. that a vision of the Supreme One. The last stage is Paramabhakti, which means that vision of the Supreme One becomes a lasting vision. Having said all this, the lord talks about Saranagati (total surrender) as a means to reach Him. Saranagati is the simplest way to reach Him.
    (a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option. (1×6 = 6)
    (i)How can one acquire parabhakW?
    (a)by being aware of the surroundings
    (b)by doing yoga
    (c)by parajnana
    (d)by doing actions with sattvika tyaga
    (ii)What is meant by sattvika tyaga?
    (a)One is born with sattvic qualities
    (b)Actions performed are those of the Supreme One
    (c)Doing actions not considering it as his
    (d)Both b and c
    (iii)Who fails to perform his duties with the right attitude?
    (a)One with tamasic qualities (b) One with rajasic qualities
    (c)One with sattvic qualities (d) None of these
    (iv)What could be a suitable title for the passage out of the following?
    (a)The Right Karma
    (b)The Gita’s teaching
    (c)Way to Supreme God
    (d)Actions speaks louder than character
    (v)What is the order of the three stages being described in fourth paragraph?
    (a)parajnana, parabhakti, parambhakti
    (b)parambhakti, parabhakti, parajnana
    (c)parabhakti, parajnana, parambhakti
    (d)parabhakti, parajnana, saranagati
    (vi)What is the correct interpretation of the word paragraph?
    (a) try (b) intention (c) design (d)end
    (b)On the basis of your reading of the given passage,answer the following questions briefly.(1×6 = 6)
    (i) What is the right and simplest way to reach Him?
    (ii)Why do the Sastras forbid Tamasic Karma?
    (iii)What does one get by doing sattvika karma?
    (iv)The word in the third paragraph which is a synonym of ‘unacceptable’ is…………
    (v)The word……. from the passage is a synonym of ‘submission’.
    (vi)The phrase in the first paragraph which is the opposite of ‘deny’ is …………
    Ans.(a) (i) (d) by doing actions with sattvika tyaga (ii)(d)Both (b) and (c)
    (iii) (a) One with tamasic qualities (iv) (a) The Right Karma
    (v) (c) parabhakti, parajnana, parambhakti (vi) (b) intention
    (b) (i) Saranagati, i.e. total surrender is the simplest means to reach him.
    (ii) It is forbidden as it is done to please himself, thus his actions can harm himself and others too.
    (iii)One gains control over the mind by giving up undesirable traits like anger, jealousy etc.
    (vi)lay claim to’

    Also Read: Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 3 CBSE Sample Papers

    Section B Writing and Grammar [30 Marks]

    3.You are President, RWA Geeta Vihar. Recently you have seen a lot of poor people and beggars lying on the roads in very miserable condition. You really want to help them. Write a notice to be put up on the society notice board asking the families to voluntarily donate two chapatis each day for these underprivileged people. (4)

    A baby girl of about five years has been missing for seven days from Sarita Vihar, Jaipur. Write an advertisement for the classified column ‘Missing Person’ of a national daily in about 50 words. (4)
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1-2
    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 English Solved 2016 Set 1-3

    4.You are very much interested in Humanities subjects. Unfortunately these had been dropped from your school as no one was opting for it. After having a conversation with some of your friends, you decide to highlight this matter. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the principal of your school reguesting him to re-introduce the Humanities stream at the Senior Secondary level. (6)
    Recently your school’s Basketball team participated in a national level tournament. Your team was ill-treated and had their worst experience ever. Write a letter to the concerned authority in about 120-150 words about the issues suggesting ways to improve it. You can use the following clues. (6)
    Clues Roughed up by other teams.
    No scheduling of matches
    Locker rooms and changing rooms in pathetic condition
    Privatisation of stadia
    Proper management of events
    Cordial staff
    C-121, Oberoi Apartments,
    Rajpura Road, New Delhi-110013
    21 st January, 2OXX The Principal St. Joseph Public School Rajendra Nagar New Delhi
    Subject Re-introduce Humanities at Senior Secondary Level
    Through this letter, I wish to highlight the concern of the students of class X on the above matter.
    Many students are interested in pursuing humanities stream at the Senior Secondary level. Unfortunately, that option was dropped from our school, as for long no one was opting for it. But looking at the current scenario of the economy, students want to diversify their options by studying subjects like Geography, Political Science, Psychology etc. Proper infrastructure and well trained teachers would be needed in this stream. Students would also like to have counselling sessions with experts to make the right decisions regarding their future studies.

    I hope you will take the matter up with the school management and make this facility available to the students at the earliest.

    Yours Sincerely
    Rishabh Chaudhary Student ofX-A
    Geetaratan Sr Sec School, Chandigarh
    18th September, 20XX
    The Sports Secretary
    National Sports Academy
    New Delhi

    Subject III treatment at Inter-State school Basketball Tournament
    I wish to bring to your notice that our team had a very bad experience at the tournament held recently.

    First, there was no proper scheduling of the matches, which created a lot of confusion and anguish amongst the teams. Locker rooms and changing rooms were in pathetic condition, which was unexpected at a national level tournament. Moreover, the local team displayed very questionable behaviour toward the other teams.

    I think it is high time such stadia should be taken over by private companies for proper maintenance and management. Also in my view the government should allocate funds to boost sports other than cricket.

    I hope you will take the matter up with the concerned authority and improve the conditions in the other tournaments being held.

    Yours sincerely
    Shashant Bhadoria
    Captain, Basketball team
    Geetaratan Sr Sec School, Chandigarh

    5.The warden of your hostel has been receiving many complaints from students about the poor food and service provided by the hostel canteen. He has appointed you the head of a team of students to inquire into these complaints. Write a report with suitable suggestions. (150-200 words) (10)
    Write a speech on the ‘Importance of Well Maintained Gardens in Educational Institutes. (150-200 words) (10)
    Ans. Report on Food and Service of Hostel Canteen
    Our team of students had breakfast, lunch and evening tea for 5 days in the canteen from 28th January, 20XX to 1st February, 20XX. We observed the quality of food and service and also collected opinions from some students every day.
    The breakfast comprised of grilled sandwiches, but contained no vegetables. Instead, it was filled with loads of butter. In the lunch, we had the options of dum aloo, mattar paneer, dal and rice/roti. There was no option of green vegetable on any of the days even in lunch. In the evening, we had tea/coffee, bread pakora, samosas and kachoris. The tea/coffee were almost like mudcoloured water, while the snacks had only potatoes filled inside.
    The owner of the canteen confessed that the quality is not upto the mark, which was due to lack of proper funds and good cooks.
    Healthy food options should be included in the menu. Also the canteen owner should be issued a letter of warning to improve the quality of food within a week’s time.
    Good Morning everyone. Today I’m here to present my views on the topic “Importance of Well Maintained Gardens in Educational Institutes”.
    Who would deny the fact that the beauty of nature is bliss to the eyes. Moreover, today when pollution is at its peak, gardens serve the purpose humbly to mankind.
    Looking at the beautiful scene of the garden, many students get inspiration to pursue a career in botany; many wish to do more for the environment. Additionally there are many competitions among different colleges of a university to evaluate the beauty of gardens. These encourage students by keeping their spirits high. Many institutions have taken up organic gardening and are also helping in restoring the lost identity of endangered species of plants and flowers.
    These gardens provide relaxation to students in every season. Some of them are also used for recreational activities and other functions. They add to the aura of the event.
    Lastly, gardens should be built not only in educational institutes but elsewhere too, especially in the overcrowded metropolitan cities.
    Thank You.

    6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given below, against the correct blank. The correction in the first line has been done for you.(1/2×8= 4)

    Incorrect Correct

    e.g. People come to him when the Come Came
    (a)patient is on his last legs. Dr ……….. ………..
    (b)Raman often burst out, ‘Why cannot’ ……….. ………..
    (c)you were come a day earlier? ……….. ………..
    (d)The reason being obvious; the visiting fee ……….. ………..
    (f)the time has come to call in Dr Raman; ……….. ………..
    (g)for them there is something omnious in the very association ……….. ………..
    (h)of his names with a patient ……….. ………..
    Incorrect Correct
    (a)is was
    (b) cannot couldn’t
    (c)were have
    (d) being was
    (e)then than
    (f) has had
    (g)is was
    (h) names name

    7.Rearrange the following words/ phrases into meaningful sentences.(1×2 = 2)
    (a)be the cost / the government should / whatever / I think / health service / improve the
    (b)this part of the / next year / this time / be looking amazing / building will
    Ans.(a) I think the government should improve the health service, whatever be the cost.
    (b) This time next year this part of the building will be looking amazing.

    8.Look at the notes in the box about what Keshav did yesterday. Complete the following passage by filling in the blank places appropriately. Do not add any new information. (1×4 = 4)
    7:30 Get up and shower
    8:00 Breakfast (milk and toast)
    8:15 Left for office
    8:45 onwards Reached office late
    8:45 Very busy with lots of work
    1:00 Lunch in office (Regular diet) ,
    It was a normal day for Keshav yesterday. He (a) ……………..
    Then he (b) ……….. At 8:15 he left for
    office but (c) ……… At office in the morning
    he was (d) …………. At 1:00 he had lunch
    wherein he ate his regular diet.
    Ans.(a) got up at 7:30 and had a shower
    (b)had his breakfast wherein he had milk and toast
    (c)reached late/got late
    (d)very busy as he had lots of work.

    Section C Literature and Long Reading Text [30 Marks]

    9.Read the extract carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option.(1×3 = 3)
    “Now she’s been dead nearly as many years
    As that girl lived. And of this circumstance.
    There is nothing to say at all.
    Its silence silences”.
    (i)Who does ‘she’ refer to in the above stanza?
    (ii)How many years has the poet’s mother been dead?
    (iii)The silence of the circumstance……………………….
    Ans.(i)‘She’ in the above stanza refers to the poet’s mother.
    (ii)The poet’s mother has been dead for about twelve years.
    (iii)Has silenced the poet,

    10.Answer any three of the following questions.(3×3 = 9)
    (i)What was the reaction of Khushwant Singh’s grandmother towards his education in the English school?
    (ii)What changes come after Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald exchange their personalities?
    (iii)Describe the rain-cycle brought out in the poem, ‘The Voice of the Rain’.
    (iv)Describe the incident when Mr Crocker-Harris made one of his classical jokes.
    Ans.(i) The grandmother was unhappy as she could no longer help Khushwant Singh in his lessons.She was hurt to know that there was no teaching of God and scriptures in the English school.
    (ii)When the exchange of personalities took place, Mrs Pearson received all the traits of Mrs Fitzgerald. She became aggressive and dominating. She also became the boss of the family. The took Doris and Cyril to task for their behaviour. She did not spare even her husband. She reminded him that people laugh at him behind his back and call him ‘Pompy-Ompy Pearson’.
    (iii)The rain-cycle starts when water rises from the land and sea in the form of water vapour. Then it rises towards the sky where it cools down and takes the shape of showers. Rain showers then fall back to the Earth. Hence, the cycle gets completed.
    (iv)When Mr Crocker-Harris made one of his classical jokes, nobody understood it and hence nobody laughed. Still, Taplow knew that Mr Crocker-Harris meant something funny and he laughed out of sheer courtesy. Mr Crocker-Harris said he was impressed by the progress made by Taplow as he understood what others in his form couldn’t and then asked Taplow to explain to the whole class what he had understood.

    11.Answer the following questions in about 120-150 words.
    Do you think that our past experiences, help us to make our life better? Related to the chapter, ‘Discovering Tut: The Saga continues’ discuss, “Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.” (6)
    The story, ‘The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’ conveys the message of honesty and integrity. How do the characters maintain these qualities inspite of their desire to keep the horse with themselves? (6)
    Ans. From our past experiences, we learn not to commit the same mistakes which we have made earlier. The revelation of king Tut’s mummy helped to understand the ancient culture of Egypt, which brought us a clear understanding of the gradual changes in the culture of that country. Similarly, we learn about the Earth’s past through many discoveries. These discoveries help us understand our world better. They also help us understand where we have come from and probably where we are heading.
    Knowledge of the past is useful to understand and make our present more productive. But the world is changing at a rapid speed. Even what had happened an hour earlier may ngyjjave importance for tomorrow. Everyday, new inventions take place, new discoveries are made. So“ knowledge about the past may be useful but not always essential.
    The whole story conveys the message of honesty and integrity. The two cousins, Aram and Mourad, belonged to a Garoghlanian family. Their trible was known for faithfulness. Unfortunately, it was also poverty-stricken. However, they had never compromised with their honesty.
    Both of them had a passion for horse riding. One day, Mourad stole a beautiful white horse just to ride it for a few days. Later, Aram justified the act of keeping the horse by saying that they were not going to sell it off.
    The owner of the horse, John Byro, came across them one day. After inspecting the horse closely, he thought that the horse was his. But he could not doubt the integrity and honesty of any of the members of a Garoghlanian family. This tested their integrity and truthfulness. In the end, they become conscience stricken and decided to return the horse to its rightful owner.

    Long Reading Text (Novel)

    12.Explain the importance of the mysterious bloodstains made by Sir Simon’s Ghost.(The Canterville Ghost)’? (6)

    Mention how the teaching at Hampton Institute was different from that at Washington DC? (Up From Slavery) (6)
    Ans. Sir Simon the ghost had always continued with his effort to create a false impression of the bloodstain on the floor of the library. It was only to Virginia that he confessed that the bloodstain was not a real blood spilt but a fake one that was painted by the ghost himself. The ghost had ‘ created repeated bloodstains to actually attack Washington who cleaned the bloodstain with a stain remover.
    The ghost took and finished first of all the shades of red colour from Virginia’s paint box and then he finished the emerald-green and yellow colour to create bloodstains. He forgot that such amusing bloodstains are actually irrelevant.
    Virginia said that she was aware of the hidden mischiefs of the ghost and so we can say that the story here involves a reversal of the expected behaviour of a ghost with a difference.
    At Washington DC, there was no industrial training given to the students and booker had an opportunity of comparing the influence of an institution having no industrial training with that of one like the Hampton Institute, which emphasised on the industries. At Washington DC, the students had more money, were better dressed, wore the latest style of clothing and in some cases were more brilliant mentally.
    At Hampton, the students themselves had to provide for their own looks, clothing, room etc wholly or partly by work and partly in cash. The student was constantly making the effort through the industries to help himself and that very effort was of immense value in his character building. The students at the other school seemed to be less self-dependent. They seemed to give more attention to outward appearances, but seemed to know less about life and its conditions.

    13.Give a brief character sketch of the Canterville Ghost. (The Cartterville Ghost)(6)
    Give a character sketch of the slaves, describing their human nature and loyalty towards their masters. (Up From Slavery) (6)
    Ans. The guilty spirit of Sir Simon De Canterville haunted Canterville Chase. Sir Simon had died in 1584 and it was his fallen soul that had taken the shape of the ghost to frighten people for centuries. When the ghost first appeared on the second night of the otises moving into Canterville Chase, Mrs Otis discovered the ghost shabbily attired with his hands tied with iron chains and shackles in his legs. The appearance itself identified the ghost as a prisoner with his guilty conscience for murdering his wife Lady Eleanore in 1575. But the ghost was not at all frightening to the new occupants. Rather, he had a pitiful appearance, only to be consoled by Virginia at the end. He was very touchy when asked to ponder on his happy days. The ghost seemed to be brave, distressed, scared and finally a weak, tragic, solitary character more to be pitied than hated.
    Despite the hardships, the slaves never nurtured any animosity against their masters. The narrator recalled the death of a young master ‘Mars’ Billy in the Civil War. He perceived the real sorrow of the slaves. Even when the two young masters were wounded, the slaves were anxious to assist in their nursing. In fact, they even begged for the privilege of sitting up at night to nurse their wounded masters. The slaves would even have laid down their lives to defend and protect the women and children. Anyone attempting to harm ‘young mistress’ or ‘old mistress’ during the night would have had to cross the dead body of the slave to do so.
    There were various instances of coloured people caring for their former masters who had become poor and dependent since the war or of former masters of slaves being for years supplied with money by their former slaves.

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