EnglishEssaysEssay Topics on School

Essay Topics on School

Introduction to School Topics

A school is a place that is second only to “home,” giving shelter and the chance to receive and enhance knowledge in every area of learning and curriculum available to children. School is said to be a temple of knowledge, the very first place that introduces you to the world and more so your own self.

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    Every child must attend school since the lessons given in school cannot be learnt anywhere else. The experience is unique, and we gain a variety of skills in addition to academics, such as socialisation, extracurricular activities, and much more.

    School teaches us many wonderful things, including, first and foremost, providing us with a fundamental education. It shows us how to improve our skills in areas such as painting, dance, public speaking, and others. But above all, school instils discipline in us. Additionally, school teaches pupils how to work in groups without conflicts and other important leadership qualities. Oprah Winfrey rightly said, “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”

    The children of a country are its most valuable resource. The all-round growth of children is essential for the nation’s development, and a school is an ideal location for this development. Through reading and writing, a child becomes a cultured and civilised person who contributes to the country’s progress. Education is one of the most crucial things for students to concentrate on. Education has long been regarded as an important tool for establishing social change and stimulating economic progress, particularly in underdeveloped areas. Education continues to help people build out a life for themselves, alleviating poverty and supporting economic prosperity.

    I wouldn’t be able to answer in a single sentence if someone asked me what I learned at school. Moreover since the lessons are priceless, I will never be able to express my gratitude enough. As children we were taught that ‘sharing is caring’. My school taught me that regardless of what happens, we should accept failure gracefully and never give up. It has given me lifelong friends and teachers who I will always admire.

    My school hosts cultural events twice a year. Independence Day, Republic Day, Environment Day, and many more different days are celebrated with great enthusiasm in the school. Science exhibitions, sports competitions, oratory competitions, essay competitions, and rangoli competitions are held once a year at least three to four times.

    The importance of school and education in a person’s life cannot be overstated. As a result, we should all work for making school and education accessible for every child so that they can contribute significantly to the country’s progress.

    The best school is determined not by its infrastructure, expensive computer labs, or colourfully vast playgrounds, but by the values it instils in you. What impression it has on you. The finest school is the one that encourages you to be your best self in all aspects of your life. It is, without a doubt, the best school if it can bring out the best in you.

    Check: My School Paragraph

    Essay Topics on School

    1. Is online education a boon or a bane?
    2. Are standardised tests a good way of evaluating student intelligence?
    3. Role of media in education
    4. Should co-curricular activities be given higher importance in school?
    5. Should primary schooling have a more interactive approach towards learning?
    6. My favourite subject
    7. My favourite teacher
    8. First day of school
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