BlogIIT-JEEDimensions Of Emf

Dimensions Of Emf

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    The gadget’s positive terminal turns out to be emphatically charged, while the adverse terminal turns out to be contrarily charged. The Electromotive Force is the work done on a unit of electric charge, or the energy acquired per unit of electric charge. It is truncated E in the global decimal standard for measuring, yet it is otherwise called EMF.

    • Electromotive Force has force in its name yet actually it’s anything but a power.
    • It is by and large estimated in volts, which is equivalent to one joule for each coulomb of electric charge in the meter-kilogram-second framework.
    • In the centimeter-gram-second framework, the statvolt, or one erg for each electrostatic unit of charge, is the electrostatic unit of Electromotive Force.

    Electromotive Force, estimated in volts, is the electrical movement created by a non-electrical source in electromagnetism and hardware. Gadgets, like batteries (which convert synthetic energy) or generators, make an Electromotive Force by changing over different wellsprings of energy into electrical energy (which convert mechanical energy).

    • Electromotive Force is now and then depicted utilizing a water pressure similarity. (In this model, “force” doesn’t allude to powers of cooperation between bodies.)
    • The electromagnetic work that would be done on an electric charge (an electron for this situation) assuming it voyaged once around a shut circle of a transmitter is portrayed as EMF in electromagnetic enlistment.
    • The electric potential’s scalar field isn’t determined for a period fluctuating attractive motion joining a circle because of a coursing electric vector field, yet an EMF achieves work that is shortened E in the global decimal standard, however it is otherwise called EMF.


    The Electromotive Force is shortened as EMF. The Electromotive Force is the voltage at the terminals of the source without any an electric flow.

    • The idea of Electromotive Force alludes to how much work expected to isolate the charge transporters in the source current, with the end goal that the power following up on the charges at the terminals of the source is anything but an immediate result of the field.
    • EMF is created because of interior opposition.
    • What is implied by Electromotive Force? The Electromotive Force (EMF) is characterized as how much work done in the energy change (or transformation) and how much power that goes through the electrical source or the generator.
    • The Electromotive Force (EMF) is estimated in Volts and indicated by the image ε (or E). In this article, we will talk about predominantly what is Electromotive Force, what is EMF in Physics, and so on

    What is EMF in Physics?

    Presently we will comprehend what EMF is in Physics and what is implied by EMF in Physics.

    • Thus, the Electromotive Force is the most extreme expected distinction between two terminals of the cell when no current is drawn from the cell.
    • The Electromotive Force is meant by E or in some cases it is likewise signified by the image ε.
    • We realize that the charges move in the electric circuit, for the movement of the charges in a given electric circuit we want to apply an outside power to it.
    • We say that the battery or an outside electric source, for example, a battery applies such power which will give speed increase to the charges and it is known as the Electromotive Force. In spite of its name, it’s anything but a type of power yet a possible contrast.

    In the event that the Electromotive Force isn’t a type of power by any means, why is it named as the Electromotive Force, what are EMF and likely contrast, and what is the wellspring of EMF?

    To answer these questions, consider a straightforward circuit of a light associated with a battery, as displayed in the Figure beneath.

    The battery (any electro-voltaic cell) can be addressed as a two-terminal gadget that keeps one terminal at a higher potential than the subsequent terminal.

    The higher electric potential is now and again known as the positive terminal and it is for the most part marked with an or more sign.

    The lower-potential terminal is known as the adverse terminal and is marked with a short sign. This is known as the wellspring of the EMF.

    Whenever the wellspring of the Electromotive Force is detached from the light, there is no net progression of charges inside the EMF source. When the battery is reconnected to the light, charges will move from one terminal of the battery, through the light (making the light gleam), and back to the next terminal of the battery. On the off chance that we consider positive current stream which is otherwise called the customary current stream, positive charges leave the positive terminal, travel through the light, and enter the adverse terminal of the EMF source. This is the manner by which an EMF source is arranged. Presently, what is the Electromotive Force of a cell? The Electromotive Force of a cell is the potential contrast created at the two closures of the given battery.

    What is the Unit of Electromotive Force?

    What is the Electromotive Force estimated ready?

    Allow us to examine what is the unit of Electromotive Force, the recipe for Electromotive Force is given by,

    ⇒ ε = V + Ir


    V-The applied likely contrast.

    I-The current moving through the circuit.

    r-The inward obstruction of the circuit.

    Subsequently, the unit of Electromotive Force is in volts. The Electromotive Force (EMF) is communicated as the quantity of Joules of energy provided by the source isolated by every Coulomb to empower a unit of electric charge to get across the circuit. Numerically it is given by:

    ⇒ ε = Joules/Coulomb

    Thusly the components of the Electromotive Force M1L2T-3I-1.The solution to the inquiry what is the si unit of Electromotive Force, from the statement of EMF we can say it is Joules/coulomb.

    Dimensional Formula of EMF (Electromotive Force)

    The dimensional formula of EMF is M1 L2 T-3 I-1


    1. M = Mass
    2. I = Current
    3. L = Length
    4. T = Time


    Electromotive Force, EMF (ε) = Work Done(w.d) × [Charge]-1. . . . (1)

    We know that, Work Done = Force × displacement

    = Mass × acceleration × displacement = [M] × [M0 L1 T-2] × [L]

    So, the dimensional formula of work done = M1 L2 T-2 . . . . (2)

    And, Charge = current × time

    ∴ The dimensional formula of charge = I1 T1 . . . . (3)

    On substituting equation (2) and (3) in equation (1) we get,

    Electromotive Force = Work Done × [Charge]-1

    Or, ε = [M1 L2 T-2] × [I1 T1]-1 = [M1 L2 T-3 I-1].

    Therefore, dimensional formula of Electromotive Force or EMF is [M1 L2 T-3 I-1].


    What is Meant by the EMF of a Battery and What is EMF and Voltage?

    Electromotive Force is characterized as how much work done in the energy change (or transformation) and how much power that goes through the electrical source or the generator. The Electromotive Force (EMF) is estimated in Volts. The voltage of the source is not the same as that of the EMF of the source. Voltage is the potential distinction created between the two terminal possibilities of a battery under any circumstances.

    What is the Measure of Electromotive Force?

    The Electromotive Force is estimated in volts, indicated by V.

    Would Electromotive Force be able to be negative?

    Indeed, a negative Electromotive Force is conceivable


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