MathsExpression Term Factor Coefficient

Expression Term Factor Coefficient

Explain in Detail :Factor in Algebra

In algebra, a factor is a number or expression that is multiplied by another number or expression to produce a result. For example, in the equation 3x + 5 = 12, 3 and 5 are factors of 12. 3x + 5 can be rewritten as 3(x + 5) to make the factors more apparent.

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    Coefficient in Algebra

    A coefficient is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic equation. In the equation y = 4x, the coefficient of x is 4. This means that 4 is multiplied by every x value in the equation.

    Coefficient example

    The coefficient of static friction between a block and a surface is 0.4. What is the maximum force that can be applied to the block before it starts to move?

    The maximum force that can be applied to the block before it starts to move is 0.4 times the weight of the block, or 0.4 N


    Constantine was a Christian emperor of the late 4th century who ruled over the western half of the Roman Empire. He is best known for his conversion to Christianity and for his support of the Church.

    Constantine was born in 272 AD in Naissus, a town in what is now Serbia. He was the son of Flavius Valerius Constantius, a Roman general, and his wife Helena. As a young man, Constantine served in the Roman army and rose through the ranks. In 306 AD, he was proclaimed emperor by his troops after his father’s death.

    Constantine had a significant impact on the history of Christianity. In 313 AD, he issued the Edict of Milan, which provided for religious toleration in the Roman Empire. In 325 AD, he convened the Council of Nicaea, which formulated the Nicene Creed, a statement of Christian belief. And in 330 AD, he moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Constantinople, which he founded and made the new capital of the eastern half of the empire.

    Constantine died in 337 AD. He was succeeded by his son, Constantine II.

    Types of Algebraic Expression

    There are three types of algebraic expressions: monomial, binomial, and trinomial.

    1. A monomial is an algebraic expression that consists of a single term.
    2. A binomial is an algebraic expression that consists of two terms.
    3. A trinomial is an algebraic expression that consists of three terms.
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