MathsIdentity Matrix – Definition, Properties and Solved Examples

Identity Matrix – Definition, Properties and Solved Examples

What is an Identity Matrix?

Identity Matrix – Definition: An identity matrix is a square matrix with all zeros except for the main diagonal, which is set to 1. The identity matrix is a special case of the diagonal matrix. It is used in mathematics and physics to represent a transformation of a vector space.

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    Identity Matrix – Definition, Properties and Solved Examples

    Identity Matrix Properties

    The identity matrix is a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere. It has the following properties:

    • It is symmetric: If A is an identity matrix, then A-1 is also an identity matrix.
    • It is idempotent: A is idempotent if A2 = A. An identity matrix is always idempotent.
    • It is invertible: There is a unique inverse matrix for every identity matrix.

    Identity Matrix Application

    • An identity matrix is a square matrix with all entries equal to 1. It is also called an identity matrix or an identity square matrix.
    • The identity matrix is a special matrix that has the unique property that multiplying it by any other matrix yields the original matrix.
    • An identity matrix is used in mathematics and physics to represent a transformation that leaves a system unchanged.
    • For example, in physics, the identity matrix is often used to represent a rotation or displacement in space.
    • A matrix is an array of numbers, symbols, or other data elements. A matrix can be 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional. A 2-dimensional matrix is also called a plane matrix. A 3-dimensional matrix is also called a space matrix.
    • An identity matrix is a square matrix with all zeros except for the main diagonal, which is all ones. The identity matrix is also called the unit matrix.
    • The identity matrix has a number of important properties. It is the only matrix that is its own inverse. That is, the matrix A multiplied by the identity matrix I produces the result I multiplied by A equals the identity matrix.
    • The identity matrix is also the only matrix that is commutative. That is, the matrix A multiplied by the matrix B produces the same result as the matrix B multiplied by the matrix A.
    • An identity matrix can be used to solve systems of linear equations.

    Identity Matrix Definition

    An identity matrix is a square matrix with all of the elements set to 1 except for the diagonal, which is set to 0.

    Identity Matrix Example

    • An identity matrix is a square matrix with all zeros except for the main diagonal, which is set to 1. The identity matrix is a special matrix that has the property that its product with any other matrix is the other matrix.
    • The identity matrix is also called the unit matrix.
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