MathsAlgebraic Expressions Worksheet – Explanation of Various Terms

Algebraic Expressions Worksheet – Explanation of Various Terms

Algebraic Expressions Worksheet Explained

Algebraic expressions are mathematical expressions that contain one or more variables. Algebraic expressions can be simplified by combining like terms, and they can be solved by using the algebraic methods of elimination and substitution. Algebraic Expressions Worksheet – Explanation of Various Terms.

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    The algebraic expressions worksheet shown here contains a series of problems that require the student to simplify algebraic expressions and solve for the value of the variable. In the first problem, for example, the student is asked to simplify the expression 3x + 5. The student would combine the 3x and 5 terms and get 8x. In the second problem, the student is asked to solve for the value of x in the expression 2x + 5 = 7. The student would solve this equation by using the algebraic method of elimination. They would subtract 5 from each side of the equation to get -3x = 2. They would then divide each side of the equation by -3 to get x = -2/3.

    Algebraic Expressions Worksheet – Explanation of Various Terms

    What Is a Term?

    A term is a word or phrase that is specific to a particular subject or field of study. Terms are important because they allow people to communicate more precisely about a particular topic. In many cases, terms have a specific meaning that is different from the everyday use of the word. For example, the term “mass” has a specific meaning in physics that is different from its everyday use.

    What Is An Expression?

    An expression is a combination of symbols that are put together to calculate a value. The symbols can be numbers, variables, operators, and functions.

    For example:

    1. The students in this class are very smart.

    2. I think that the students in this class are very smart.

    Algebraic Expressions:

    A mathematical statement involving one or more variables is called an algebraic expression.

    For example, the algebraic expression 3x + 5 is a statement involving the variable x that reads “three multiplied by x plus five.”

    Types of Algebraic Expressions:

    An algebraic expression is a mathematical statement involving one or more variables and constants, which is typically written using algebraic notation. Algebraic expressions can be built using operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as parentheses to control the order of operations. Additionally, algebraic expressions can involve the use of square roots, radicals, and complex numbers.

    Monomial Expression

    A monomial expression is an algebraic expression that contains a single term. The term can be a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables. For example, the expression 3x is a monomial expression, as is the expression y2.

    Binomial Expression

    A binomial expression is an algebraic expression formed by multiplying two monomial expressions.

    The most common type of binomial expression is the binomial theorem, which is an expression of the form:

    (x + y)n

    where n is a positive integer and x and y are real numbers.

    Polynomial Expression

    A polynomial expression is an algebraic expression consisting of one or more terms, each of which is a polynomial. A term is a product of a coefficient and a variable raised to a positive integer power.

    For example, the polynomial expression 3×2 + 5x – 2 consists of the terms 3×2, 5x, and -2.

    Numeric Expression:

    The numeric expression is 5 + 7.

    The result of the expression is 12.

    Variable Expression:

    A variable expression is a mathematical expression that includes one or more variables. The variables can be replaced by specific values, which allows the expression to be evaluated. Variable expressions are often used in math and science problems.

    Rules of Algebra:

    1. Algebra is the mathematics of equations and variables.

    2. Algebra is the mathematics of solving equations.

    3. Algebra is the mathematics of manipulating equations.

    4. Algebra is the mathematics of solving systems of equations.

    Multiplicative Identity Property

    For all real numbers a, a × 1 = a.

    The number of people who have died after being infected with the Ebola virus has passed 10,000, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

    In a statement, the U.N. health agency said 10,141 people had died from the virus as of Nov. 12. Most of the deaths have occurred in the three worst-affected countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

    The number of new Ebola cases has fallen below 10,000 for the first time since June, the WHO said.

    Algebraic Expressions Worksheet – Explanation of Various Terms.

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