MathsLong Multiplication – Calculator, Method

Long Multiplication – Calculator, Method

What is Long Multiplication?

Long multiplication is a technique used to multiply two numbers together which are larger than 10 digits long. The technique breaks the two numbers down into their individual digits, multiplies each digit of the first number by each digit of the second number, and then adds the results of these multiplications together. Long Multiplication – Calculator Method Procedure Examples and FAQs.

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    Long Multiplication - Calculator, Method, Procedure, Examples, and FAQs

    Long Multiplication Calculator

    A long multiplication calculator is a calculator that can be used to perform long multiplication. Long multiplication is a technique that can be used to multiply two numbers together that are too large to fit into the calculator’s memory.

    Long Multiplication Method

    To multiply two numbers using the long multiplication method, first line up the numbers so that the digits in each number are lined up one under the other. In the number 12, for example, the 1 is under the 2, the 2 is under the 1, and the 3 is under the 2.

    Then, multiply the digits in each number together. In the number 12, for example, you would multiply 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 1 = 2, and 3 x 2 = 6.

    Add the numbers that you multiplied together. In the number 12, for example, you would add 2 + 2 + 6 = 10.

    Write the number 10 under the number 12. The number 12 is now written as 10 + 2.

    This is the final answer.

    Long Multiplication Steps

    To multiply two numbers together, follow these steps:

    1. Write the numbers one below the other.

    2. Draw a line under the numbers.

    3. Multiply the numbers on the line below each other.

    4. Write the answer to the right of the line.

    5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each number.

    Long Multiplication Examples

    Here are some examples of long multiplication calculations.

    2,000 × 3,000 = 6,000,000

    5,000 × 7,000 = 35,000,000

    9,000 × 12,000 = 108,000,000

    2,000,000 × 3,000,000 = 6,000,000,000

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