A sound wave has frequency of 5kHz and wavelength 50 cm. Then distance travelled by sound in 4sec. (in km ) will be

A sound wave has frequency of 5kHz and wavelength 50 cm. Then distance travelled by sound in 4sec. (in km ) will be

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    The wavelength is the distance or length between two successive crests or troughs of a wave. The frequency (f) of a repeated event is the number of occurrences per unit of time. Hertz (Hz) is its Sl unit. Velocity (v) is defined as the rate of change of a body's displacement with respect to time. metre per second ms-1 is the SI unit.

    We know that speed formula in terms of wavelength and frequency
    Speed (v)= wavelength(λ)×frequency (f).
    According to question given that,
    Wavelength (λ)=50 cm=50/100 m=0.5 m
    Frequency (f)=5kHz=5000 Hz
    Speed (v)=f×λ
    V=5000×0.5=2500 m/s

    The distance travelled in4sec=speed×time =2500×4=10000 m=10 km
    Hence option 1 is correct.

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