EnglishCBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper 2023-24 Set 2

CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper 2023-24 Set 2

Students studying in Class 9 should definitely prepare for their English 2024 Set 2 examination by solving CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 English 2024 Set 2 because solving Sample question papers not only helps in practising several questions, but assists in developing a good time management skill. CBSE Sample Paper Class 9 English 2024 Set 2 is available here on this website to download for free of cost.

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    Also Check: CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Set 3

    CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper Set 2 with Solution

    General Instructions

    • The Question paper is divided into three sections:
      Section A – Reading 20 marks
      Section B – Writing and Grammar 30 marks
      Section C – Literature Textbooks and Extended Reading Text 30 marks
    • AU questions are compulsory.
    • Marks are indicated against each question.


    Question 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the statements that follow:
    1. The self-governing National Red Cross Societies, including the Red Crescent (in Muslim countries) and the Red Lion and Sun (in Iran), operate on the national level through their volunteer members, although they also participate in international work. Each must be recognized by the International Committee. Today numbering 114, these societies have Junior Red Cross Societies as well. Virtually all have disaster relief programs/ and many carry on welfare programs, with community health and safety instruction, and so on. Since World War II, many of the European and Asian societies have also established refugee services.
    2. The League of Red Cross Societies, a coordinating world federation of these societies, was established in 1919 as the result of proposals made by Henry P. Davison (1867-1922) of the American Red Cross. The League maintains contacts between the societies; acts as a clearing house for information; assists the societies in setting up new programs and in improving or expanding old ones; coordinates international disaster operations. It functions under an executive committee and a board of governors on which every national society has representation.
    3. The International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC], a private, independent group of Swiss citizens chosen by co-optation (limited to twenty-five in number), acts during war or conflict whenever intervention by a neutral body is necessary, such action constituting its special field of activity. As guardian of the Geneva Conventions and of Red Cross principles, it promotes their acceptance by governments, suggests their revision, works for further development of international humanitarian law, and recognizes new Red Cross Societies; it sends its Swiss delegates into prisoner-of-war camps, supervises repatriation, operates the Central Tracina Agency, supplies material relief, and the like.
    4. The International Red Cross Conference, which met for the first time in 1867, is the highest legislative body. It is composed of representatives of the National Societies, the League, the International Committee, and the governments that have signed the Geneva Conventions. Meeting every four to six years, it reviews
    (a) By what name is the Red Cross Society known in Iran?
    (b) What socially useful activities are performed by the Red Cross Societies?
    (c) What are the functions of the League of Red Cross Society? (Mention any two)
    (d) When does the International Committee of the Red Cross act?
    (e) Name the organization which gives recognition to new Red Cross Societies?
    (f) In what ways does the ICRC contribute to welfare programmes? (any two)
    (g) Which is the highest legislative body of the Red Cross Societies?
    (h) What does the word “intervention” mean?
    (a) The Red Lion and Sun
    (b) disaster relief programmes: community health
    (c) maintain contact between societies; set up new programmes; coordinate international disaster operations etc. (any two)
    (d) during war whenever intervention by neutral body is required
    (e) ICRC
    (f) sends delegates into prisoners- of- war camps; supervises repatriation; supply material relief etc (any two)
    (g) The International Red Cross Conference.
    (h) involvement/mediation.

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    Question 2: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
    Modem food has become our enemy. We have become so slavish to taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value, not for its nutritional benefit. Even as health awareness is increasing, the variety of junk and nutrition less food is also increasing. Each restaurant boasts of a new cuisine, which is a mixture of refined flour, oil and sugar. Pasta, noodles, white rice, white bread and maida based products like pizzas, burgers, naan and rumali roti are the main options in Italian, Chinese, Indian or Mexican cuisines. The vegetarian dishes are either overcooked or have a lot of com starch and fat. The non-vegetarian dishes are either white-sauce based or made in rich gravies.

    People are trying to lose weight by eating less in the day, so that they can accommodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night with a family dinner. Perfect health, however, cannot be achieved by a process of eating less and not eating . The idea is to nourish the body. You might achieve some weight loss but you will also lose out on your health.

    Therefore, whilst embarking upon any weight loss programme, remember that health is much more than just weight loss, at the same time achieving ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health.
    Our weight is a balancing act, but the equation is simple: If you eat more calories than you bum, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you bum, you lose weight.

    All too often, we make weight loss much more difficult than it needs to be with extreme diets that leave us cranky and starving, unhealthy lifestyle choices that undermine our dieting efforts, and emotional eating habits that stop us before we get started. But there’s a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. By making smart choices every day, you can develop new eating habits and preferences that will leave you feeling satisfied—and winning the battle of the bulge.
    (a) How has modem food become our enemy?
    (b) How do people try to lose weight?
    (c) What should you remember while trying to lose weight?
    (d) What equation is drawn to highlight our weight as a balancing act?
    (e) What is meant by ’nourish’? (Para 2)
    (f) What is meant by ’undermine’? (Para 5)
    (g) Find the word opposite in meaning to ’happy’. (Para 5)
    (h) Find the word opposite in meaning to ’neither’. (Para 1)
    (a) Modern food has become our enemy. We have become so besotted by taste and presentation that we eat food for its entertainment value, not for its nutritional benefit.

    (b) People are trying to lose weight by eating less in the day, so that they can accommodate such foods in the night. They skip breakfast and lunch so that they can satisfy their taste buds in the night.

    (c) One should remember that health is so much more than just weight loss; at the same time achieving ideal body weight in a healthy way does provide a basis for achieving perfect health.

    (d) The equation – If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. And if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight.
    (e) feed/foster/nurture
    (f) weaken/demoralize
    (g) miserable
    (h) either


    Question 3: With lifestyle diseases so rampant today, it is time to turn our attention to clean and safe eating practices. As Usha/Ulhas of Express Today, write an article on ’Safe eating an ideal lifestyle’.

    Safe Eating an ideal life style.
    By Usha

    Eating is important and essential, however excess or lack of eating is dangerous. In fact, eating is not natural instinct but skill that needs to be taught and change according to age and body mass of the individuals. Healthy eating is a way of life and its importance cannot be isolated from every day reality. At the same time, this is the repsonsibility of the schools also to instruct and provide healthy food to the students. Interventions targeted at healthy eating need to occur early in childhood and adolescence in order to prevent or reverse the adverse effects of overweight or poor eating habits. It is now up to the schools to take the matter in hand. Schools are the ones who influence most as they are nearest to the child. They have to contribute directly to the study of healthy eating. And I am sure that if students learn the habit of safe eating, they will lead an ideal lifestyle.

    Question 4:
    Write a story using the following hints in about 200-250 words. Give it a suitable title.
    Sakshi driving-busy road-late for college-attends a call-becomes absent-minded and careless for a moment-CRASH-a pedestrian seriously injured.


    Sakshi is a college student. She is very brilliant and hard working. She is the favourite of her teachers and friends. But some times such people also commit mistakes. Now, it was the time for Sakshi to go to her college. This is a very busy road and Sakshi was late for college. She never does any work late but when she was just about to depart, a close friend of her came and thus, she became late. She was first about to depart to avoid being late but meanwhile, she got an urgent phone call. Seeing the urgency, she attended the call. It was a phone call from her very old friend. She became so busy in her conversation that she became absent minded and careless for a moment. Her one hand was on steering and in the other hand, she was holding the phone. All of a sudden she got a heavy jerk. There was a crash and her car had crushed a pedestrian. The pedestrian was seriously injured. She was terffied. She called her parents but before their arrival, police had reached there. The parents had to pay a lot of money to the pedestrian for his treatment. So it is necessary to remain careful every moment.

    Question 5: Complete the passage given below by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow. Write your answer in the answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the entire passage.

    A few days later, Munshi Prem Chand resigned from (a) …………… job of inspector of schools (b) …………… having worked in (c) …………… department for 10 years.
    (a) (i) its (ii)the (iii) a (iv) his
    (b) (i) before (ii) without (iii) after (iv) for
    (c) (i) his (ii) is (iii) their (iv) the
    (a) (iv) his
    (b) (iii) after
    (c) (iv) the

    Question 6: In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it.
    Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Paper 2 6
    Before Missing After
    (a) Art of tabla
    (b) across the globe
    (c) of has instrument
    (d) playing with both

    Question 7: Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph:
    Interviewer: What are your qualifications?
    Candidate : I have done Hotel Management from the National Institute of Hotel Management.
    Interviewer: Do you have any work experience?
    Candidate: I have worked at a hotel reception for a year.
    The interviewer asked the candidate (a)…………… The candidate replied that (b)…………… The National Institute of Hotel Management. To the interviewer’s enquiry as to whether he had any experiences, the candidate said that (c)…………… at a hotel reception for one year.
    (a) (i) what his qualifications were.
    (b) (ii) he had done Hotel Management from.
    (c) (iii) he had worked.


    Question 8:
    Read one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
    Rush hour crowds jostle for position on the underground train platform. A slight girl, looking younger than her seventeen years, was nervous yet excited as she felt the vibrations of the approaching train. It was her first day at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London and daunting enough for any teenager fresh from a Scottish farm.
    (i) Who is the ’girl’ in the above lines?
    (ii) Where was she going?
    (iii) How old was she?
    (iv) Find the word from the extract that means “frightening”.


    Wind, come softly
    Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
    Don’t scatter the papers
    Don’t throw down the books on the shelf
    There, look what you did – you threw them all down.
    You tore the pages of the books.
    You brought rain again.
    You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.
    (i) Write about any two destructive activities of the wind.
    (ii) How can we make friends with the wind?
    (iii) Who brings rain?
    (iv) Find the word from the extract which is an antonym of “foolish”.
    (i) Evelyn Glennie.
    (ii) She was going to the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London.
    (iii) She was seventeen years old.
    (iv) Daunting.


    (i) Two destructive activities of the winds are –

    (a) Breaks the shutters of windows.
    (b) Scatters the papers.
    (c) Throws down the books.(d) Tears the pages of books. (Any two)

    (ii) We can make friends with the winds by building strong homes and strong body and heart.
    (iii) Wind
    (iv) Clever.

    Question 9:
    Answer the following questions is about 30-40 words each.
    (a) Where does the snake hide itself?
    (b) Was Maria a patriot? Substantiate your answer with examples.
    (c) A month later, I was at my house watching them rebuild it. But this time it was different.’ How was it different?
    (d) Explain why Sergie is extremely delighted to see Lushkoff at the theatre.
    (a) Value points
    Disappears into the green slim reeds in water
    Detailed Answer:
    It was a harmless snake which was lying along the sand. The snake tried to save its lip and vanished in the ripples among the green slim reeds in water.

    (b) Value points
    Yes, used to say she was a Russian.
    Detailed Answer:
    Maria Sharapova was a patriot. She says that though America has played a major role in her life yet she is proud to be a Russian. She says that she still holds the Russian citizenship and her blood is totally Russian. She is ready to play the Olympics for Russsia if they would invite her to play.

    (c) Value points:

    • author wasn’t alone
    • Two new friends
    • now he focused on feelings of positivity, security.
    • wanted to be friendly with people around

    Detailed Answer:
    A month later, the author was at his house. The house was being rebuilt but he wasn’t alone. His two friends from school were with him. The fire was responsible for all the wonderful people around him. His life was getting back to normal. Now he focused on feelings of positivity and security.

    (d) Value Points:

    • encourage him to walk on a right path—rebuked him did not forget his words.

    Detailed Answer:
    Lushkoff, the beggar was offered some work. Sergei asked him to go to his friends. They gave him some copying work as he could write. Sergei was happy he had put the man on the right track.
    Two years went by. One evening standing at a ticket window of a theatre Sergei saw the man again. Lushkoff told him that he was a notary and was paid thirty- five roubles a month. He thanked Sergei for what he had done for him. He said that if he had not helped him he would still have been telling lies. This was the reason why Sergei was extremely delighted to see him at the theatre.

    Question 10:
    Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-120 words.
    How did Evelyn Glennie fight with her physical disability? Write your answer is 100¬120 words.


    What is the theme of the poem ’The Road Not Taken’?
    Evelyn Glennie was a very brave girl. She learnt to open her body and mind to the sounds and vibrations. She used to feel as if music was flowing through her body skin, her cheekbones and even in her hair. She attained the state of trance in which her mind used to think only about music. Music had become her passion. So she joined an orchestra and later the Royal Academy of Music. She did not want to be deprived of the joy of music that made her happy. Shy later even gave solo performances on stage in many countries and became famous.


    The poem ’The Road Not Taken’ offers a profound perception into the process of decision making. The traveller at the crossroads of the diverging roads is symbolic of an individual at a decisive moment in his life’s journey. His decision or choice of future action, which road he should adopt spiritualism or materialism, is of utmost significance since the decision decides his destiny.The poet, Robert Frost, through this poem asserts the importance of the right decision at the right time. In life we have to make our choices; sometimes we have to make these choices without the full understanding of the state of affairs. Even then, we should arrive at decision only after carefully considering all the available options. We may regret our choice or we may be excited about our choice, but the choice at the crucial moment will determine and change the path of our life. Hence, the poem stresses the need for deep and critical analysis of the situation before we arrive at a life transforming decision.

    Question 11:
    Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words :
    How did Gulliver communicate ’Nth the Lilliputians when he was hungry and how was he fed ?


    Gulliver said, “To Glumbdalclitch, I owe my preservation in that country ………… Define his character in the light of the above statement.


    What happened when cheese was being taken from Liverpool to London.


    Write the character sketch of Jerome.
    Value Points:

    • Put his finger to his mouth
    • Several ladders were applied to his side.
    • baskets of meat and bread were rolled towards his mouth

    Detailed Answer:
    Gulliver was too big in proportion to the people of lilliput. First, they found him sleeping on the ground, they tied him to the ground. But when they noticed that he was quiet, they stopped misbehaving. They made a stage. A prominent person among them mounted on this stage and made a long speech to Gulliver but Gulliver could not understand their language. Gulliver could observe many periods of promises, pity and kindness. Now Gulliver began to feel hungry but he didn’t know their language so he put his finger to his mouth to make a sign of being hungry. They understood him very well. Several ladders were applied to his sides. A hundred of those people mounted on the ladders with baskets full of meat and bread, they rolled them towards his mouth. Thus, they provided him with food and drink.


    Value Points:

    • nine year old daughter of the farmer
    • fond of Gulliver-Gulliver’s nurse
    • accompanied him even to king’s palace
    • taught him her language
    • ensured Gulliver’s safety
    • had a premonition of evil happening (Gulliver picked up by the Eagle)

    Detailed Answer:
    Glumadalclitch was the nine year old daughter of Gulliver’s master at Brobdingnag. She was very fond of Gulliver. In fact, she became Gulliver’s nurse. She looked after him, stitched clothes for him and made a small bed. She even taught him their language. She stayed close to him, protected him from everybody. She also stayed with him in the palace. She looked after his needs, changed sheets, cleaned his room. She even saved him from being drowned in a milk bowl by the dwarf. In fact she was always there to save Gulliver. She taught the language of Brobdingnag to Gulliver to remove the communication gap. She ensured Gulliver for his safety. She had a feeling that something wrong was going to happen and she saved him. She became such a big support to Gulliver that he could not imagine his life without her. That’s why Gulliver appreciates and thanks her by saying, “Glumadalditch, I owe my preservation in that country.”


    When Jerome was in Liverpool, he was asked by his friend to carry cheese to London for him as he (friend) would be reaching in a day or two. Jerome proudly carried it and marched uj he platform and climbed up in the train. The smell of the cheese was too obnoxious. People sitting beside him could not tolerate the smell and had to leave their seats. The whole carriage seemed to be only for him. As the carriage was empty, many passengers from other stations got inside with their baggage but, when they had a sniff of the smell in the air, they would run away to other carriages. Even Tom’s wife reacted sharply. So, Tom tried several ways to get rid of it.


    Jerome a young man with brown hair, is the narrator of this story. He was fussy about his health and was always complaining of illness. He loved river and dogs. He thought of himself to be a very intelligent person. He had an aversion to work and thought that hard jobs are meant for youngsters. While reading a patient liver pool circular, he suspected that he had a serious liver problem. He concluded that he suffered from all ailments under the sun except house maids knee. He believed that he is a hospital in himself and students could study him and get their diplomas. The doctor’s prescription is a conclusive proof of Jerome being a hypochondriac. But he considered himself to be good at packing but failed to do so. He was a funny and lazy person who looked for adventure but did not have an adventurous spirit.

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