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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Sound

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Sound – Free PDF Download

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      Class 8 Science Chapter 13 NCERT Solutions – Free PDF Download

      You’ve come to the right site if you’re looking for NCERT solutions for Science Class 8 Chapter 13. From INFINITY LEARN official website, you can get the expert-prepared answer in PDF format.

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      Importance of Sound (Chapter 13)

      Sound is significant because it can guide us in ways that the vision alone cannot. It may also be significant since it can assist us in determining what we perceive. We can learn about a character, a location, and a time period through sound. It facilitates communication between us. Simply hearing footsteps or hearing a voice might help us detect someone’s presence. Sound in Chapter Class 8 will assist pupils in their learning.

      Sound’s Origin

      Natural and man-made sound sources are the two categories of sound sources. Animals. Sound comes from natural sources such as flowing streams. Road vehicles, trains, and explosions are heard. Factory buildings are examples of man-made sound sources. A body’s vibration can also make a sound. The sound chapter Class 8 explains the origins of sound in an easy-to-understand manner.

      Sound (both audible and inaudible)

      Unless the sound frequencies are less than 20Hz or more than 20,000, a body’s vibration can produce sound. Sound frequencies lower than 20 Hz are not detectable by the human ear. Inaudible Sound refers to sounds that we can’t see. The human ear can perceive sound frequencies between 20 Hz and 20000 Hz, and this is known as audible sound. Learn more about audible and inaudible sound with the help of the professionals in this article.

      Pollution due to noise

      Noise pollution is typically characterized as repeated exposure to high sound levels that cause harm to humans or other living things. According to the World Health Organization, sound levels below 70 decibels do not harm living beings, regardless of how long or constant the exposure is.

      Unwanted sound (noise) can be harmful to one’s health. Cardiovascular problems, hypertension, excessive stress levels, tinnitus, deafness, sleep difficulties, and a variety of other dangerous and unsettling impacts are all linked to sound pollution. Noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or noise pollution, is the spread of noise that has a variety of effects on human or animal life activity, most of which are damaging to some extent.

      Outside noise is mostly created by machines, transportation, and propagation systems all around the world. Poor urban design can lead to noise disintegration or pollution; for example, sound pollution in residential neighbourhoods can be caused by industrial and residential buildings being built next to each other. Loud music, transportation (traffic, rail, airplanes, etc. ), lawn care maintenance, building, electrical generators, explosions, and other people are some of the most common sources of noise in residential neighbourhoods. Noise can increase the risk of death in animals by affecting predator and prey detection and avoidance, interfering with reproduction and navigation, and contributing to irreversible deafness. The ocean absorbs a large portion of the noise that humans make.

      Experts have elaborated on noise pollution in NCERT Science Class 8 Chapter 13 in a very simple way, which will help students understand how excessive and unwanted sound can be the source of noise pollution. The majority of the voices are created by humans.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13: Sound

      Noise is a sound that has an infinite structure. Sounds with fundamental overtones make up the music. Noise is made up of noises with frequencies that vary in value from as low as you can hear to as high as you can hear – but not always in equal intensity. The term “musical sound” refers to a sound that is appealing to the ear. A harmonium’s sound is pleasing to the ear. A sitar’s string produces a musical sound as well. However, if a melodic sound grows too loud, it ceases to be melodious.

      Total solutions for Exercise 13.8: 13 Questions (4 short questions, 9 long questions).

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13: Key Features

      NCERT Solutions on INFINITY LEARN for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 provides students with appropriate instruction. The Sound Class 8 NCERT solutions provide very detailed answers to questions from the NCERT books. Its sole purpose is to make the subject more understandable for students.

      1. Before taking the tests, students can review the Class 8 Science chapter Sound solutions.
      2. The Class 8 Science Topic 13 answer helps students have a better knowledge of the chapter and offers them more information.
      3. Our well-experienced specialists have created NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science CH 13 to help you quickly clear all of your difficulties.
      4. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science chapter sound helps you understand how to precisely answer the problems.
      5. The NCERT solution for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 will assist you in understanding the chapter’s principles and concepts.

      Refer to Other Study Materials for Class 1 to 12

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Sound

      What is Chapter 13 in Class 8 Science NCERT?

      Chapter 13 in Class 8 Science NCERT is about Sound. It explores the fundamental concepts of sound, its production, propagation, and various characteristics.

      What are NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13?

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 provide detailed explanations and answers to the questions in the chapter. They help students understand the concepts of sound effectively.

      How can NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 help students?

      NCERT Solutions help students grasp the concepts of sound, its properties, and phenomena through step-by-step explanations and solved exercises. They enhance learning and understanding.

      What topics are covered in Chapter 13 - Sound in Class 8 Science NCERT?

      Chapter 13 covers topics like sound production, characteristics of sound, its propagation through different media, echoes, reverberation, and how sound is used in various applications.

      How to access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13?

      NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 - Sound are available in various formats, including textbooks, online resources, and educational platforms. Students can access them to enhance their learning.

      Why is it important to study Chapter 13 of Class 8 Science?

      Chapter 13 introduces students to the fascinating world of sound, its properties, and behavior. Understanding sound is essential as it plays a significant role in our daily lives and various scientific applications.

      How can NCERT Solutions aid exam preparation for Chapter 13?

      NCERT Solutions provide comprehensive answers and insights that can help students prepare effectively for exams. By solving exercises and understanding concepts, students can boost their confidence.

      Are NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 available online?

      Yes, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 13 - Sound are available online on Infinity Learn, making them easily accessible for students.

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