PhysicsNon Contact Force

Non Contact Force


Non contact force is a force which acts on an object without coming physically into contact with it.

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    What are Non-contact Forces?

    Non-contact forces are those that act on an object without coming physically in contact with it. The most common non-contact force is gravity, which pulls objects towards the center of the Earth. Other examples of non-contact forces include electromagnetic forces, such as the force that attracts or repels magnets, and the force that holds electrons in orbit around the nucleus of an atom.

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    Examples of Non-contact Forces

    Non-contact forces are forces that do not require physical contact between objects in order to exert an influence on them. The prime examples of non-contact forces are the forces exerted by magnets and electric fields. Other examples include forces exerted by gravity, air resistance, and friction.

    Some examples of non-contact forces include:

    – Friction
    – Air resistance
    – Gravity

    Difference Between Contact and Non-Contact Forces

    Contact forces are those that act on an object when the object is in contact with another object. Non-contact forces are those that act on an object when the object is not in contact with another object.

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