PhysicsA wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to a radius r/2, its resistance becomes:

A wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to a radius r/2, its resistance becomes:

  1. A
    0.5 R
  2. B
    2 R
  3. C
    4 R
  4. D
    16 R 

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    A wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to a radius r/2, its resistance becomes 16 R.
    Initial radius of wire, r1 = r and final radius of wire, r2 =  r2 = 0.5 r.
    l1A1= length and area of cross section of first wire
    l2A2= length and area of cross section of second wire
    Since the volume of the wire after stretch remains constant, therefore l1A1 =l2A2 
    l1l2=A1A2 l1l2=r22r12
    The resistance R=ρlAlA  .
    R1R2=l1l2×A2A1 [R1= resistance of first wire, R2= resistance of second wire]
    R1R2=14 ×14
    Or R2= 16 R1 = 16R
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