PhysicsA convex lens has a focal length of 10 cm. At what distance from the lens should the object be placed so that it forms a real and inverted image 20 cm away from the lens?

A convex lens has a focal length of 10 cm. At what distance from the lens should the object be placed so that it forms a real and inverted image 20 cm away from the lens?

  1. A
    -20 cm
  2. B
    -10 cm
  3. C
    -30 cm
  4. D
    none of these 

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    The object should be placed at -20 cm from the lens.
    Image distance, = 20
    Focal length of the lens, = 10 cm
    From lens formula,
    1f=1v-1u Where f, v and u are the focal length, image distance and object distance respectively.
    On substituting the values, we get the
    110=120-1u 1u=120-110 1u=-120 = -20 cm Hence, the object should be placed at -20 cm from the lens.
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