PhysicsA man weight 60 kg climbs up a stair case with a 20 kg load on his head. The stair case has 20 steps and each step has a height 20 cm. The increase in potential energy of the man is (g=10ms−2)

A man weight 60 kg climbs up a stair case with a 20 kg load on his head. The stair case has 20 steps and each step has a height 20 cm. The increase in potential energy of the man is (g=10ms2)

  1. A
    3.5 k J
  2. B
    4.5 k J
  3. C
    8.1 k J
  4. D
    3.2 k J

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    Mass m=mass of the man +mass of the load=60+20=80kg






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