CivicsDemocracy has considered to be successful when:

Democracy has considered to be successful when:

  1. A
    The rulers elected by the people take all major decisions and not the rich and powerful.
  2. B
    The elections offer a free choice and opportunity to the people.
  3. C
    The choice available to all the people depend on political equality.
  4. D
    All of these 

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    Democracy is considered successful when the rulers elected by the people take all major decisions and not the rich and powerful, the elections offer a free choice and opportunity to the people, and the options available to all the people depend on political equality.
    Democracy is acceptable when the leader the people have chosen is required to complete the necessary demand of the general people rather than the powerful people. The elections provide individuals with a preference and an equivalent option to replace the head of the nation. The principle of political equality is all people are permitted choice and opportunity. Further, democracy is better because it promotes equality among citizens and enhances the dignity of an individual.
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