Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsKingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions History Chapter 6

Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions History Chapter 6

Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions Social Science History Chapter 6

NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

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    Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Write events against the following important dates:

    1. about 3000 years ago.
    2. about 2500 years ago.
    3. about 2300 years ago.
    4. about 1500 years ago.


    Dates Events
    1. About 3000 years ago New kinds of rajas (or rulers) came into existence.
    2. About 2500 years ago Mahajanapadas came into form.
    3. About 2300 years ago Alexander’s invasion, composition of the Digha Nikaya.
    4. About 1500 years ago End of the Ganas or Sanghas.

    Question 2.
    What is the most important power with the people in a democracy?
    The people can choose their own rulers in a democracy.

    Question 3.
    What process has made common of some men becoming rulers during the last fifty years or so?
    Choosing leaders or rulers by voting is something that has become common during the last fifty years or so.

    Question 4.
    Write in short the meaning of the following new words/terms related with the chapter:

    1. Matrimonial alliance,
    2. Kingdom,
    3. Republic,
    4. Oligarchy,
    5. Ambassador,
    6. Amatyas,
    7. Barter system,
    8. Gramika,
    9. Monarchy.


    1. Matrimonial alliance: An alliance or relationship based on marriage.
    2. Kingdom: State ruled by a king/ruler or emperor is called kingdom.
    3. Republic: State whose head is elected directly or indirectly by the people (or their representatives) is called republic.
    4. Oligarchy: A government chosen by a few is called oligarchy.
    5. Ambassador: An official representing the government of his or her country in other (or foreign) country is called ambassador.
    6. Amatyas: Ministers.
    7. Barter system: Exchange of goods for goods is called barter system. Money is not used as medium of exchange.
    8. Gramika (or Gramini): Chief or head of a village is called gramika.
    9. Monarchy: A kingdom or an empire ruled by hereditary king.

    Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

    Question 1.
    How did men become rulers in the past?

    • Some of the rajas (rulers) were probably chosen by the jana. the people.
    • Around 3,000 years ago, we find some changes taking place in the ways in which rajas were chosen. Some men recognised as rajas, became rulers by performing very big sacrifices.

    Question 2.
    Make a list of all those who would be present at the sacrifice.

    • The raja who wanted to perform the sacrifice.
    • Specially trained priests.
    • A Charioteer, who was companion of the raja (who desires to perform the sacrifice).
    • Some relatives of the raja, particularly his wives and sons.
    • Other small rajas, who were simply spectators.
    • The ordinary people, the Vish or Vaishyas, who brought gifts for the king.

    Question 3.
    Explain the term Hater Vedic’.
    We have many books that were composed in north India, especially in the areas watered by the Ganga and the Yamuna, during later Rigvedic age. As these books were composed after the Rigveda, they are generally called later Vedic (or later Vedic literature). These include the Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, as well as other books. These were composed by priests and described how rituals were to be performed. They also contained rules about society.

    Question 4.
    Write a short note on composition of the society of the Later Vedic Period.

    • There were several different groups in society at this time—priests and warriors, farmers, herders, traders, crafts persons, labourers, fishing folk and forest people.
    • Some priests and warriors were rich, as were some farmers and traders.
    • Others including many herders, crafts persons, labourers, fishing folk and hunters and gatherers were poor.
      (See answer of next question also for more detail.)

    Question 5.
    Write a brief note on P.G.W. or Painted Grey Ware.
    P.G.W. or the Painted Grey Ware

    • Plates and bowls are the most common vessels made out of Painted Grey Ware. These are extremely fine to touch, with a nice, smooth surface.
    • Perhaps Painted Grey Wares were used on special occasions, for important people and to serve special types of food.

    Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

    Question 1.
    Discuss the four Varnas of the later vedic period.
    The Four Varnas. The priests divided people of the ancient India (of Later Vedic Age) into four groups, called Varnas. According to them, each Varna had a different set of functions to perform.

    1 The brahmins. The first Varna was that of the brahmin. Brahmins were expected to study and teach the Vedas, perform sacrifices and receive gifts.

    2. The Kshatriyas. In the second place were the rulers, also known as Kshatriyas. They were expected to fight battles and protect people.

    3. The Vish or the Vaishyas. Third were the Vishs or the Vaishyas. They were expected to be farmers, herders and traders. Both the Kshatriyas and the Vaishyas could also perform sacrifices.

    4. The Shudras. Last were the shudras, who had to serve the other three groups and could not perform any rituals. Generally, women were also grouped with the shudras. Both women and shudras were not allowed to study the Vedas.

    Question 2.
    What was the basis of the Varna system, according to the priests? Why did people oppose the system of Varnas?
    1. Basis of the Varnas

    • The priests declared that four groups of the people were decided on the basis of birth. For instance, if one’s father and mother were brahmins one would automatically become a brahmin and so on.
    • Later on, the priests classified some people as untouchable. These included some crafts persons, hunters and gatherers, as well as people who helped perform burials and cremations. The priests said that contact with these groups was polluting.

    2. Causes of Passion of the system of Varnas. Many people did not accept the system of Varna laid down by the brahmins.

    • Some kings thought they were superior to the priests.
    • Other people felt that birth could not be a basis for deciding which varna people belonged to.
    • Besides, some people felt that there should be no differences amongst people based on occupation.
    • Other people favoured that everybody should be able to perform rituals.
    • And some people condemned the practice of untouchability.
    • There were many areas in the subcontinent, such as the north-east, where social and economic differences were not very sharp and where the influence of the priests was limited.

    Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic Class 6 Extra Questions Multiple Choice Questions

    Choose the correct answer:

    Question 1.
    How did men become rulers around 3,000 years ago?
    (a) By choosing rulers by voting
    (b) By ashvamedha yajna
    (c) None of these
    (d) Both (a) and (b)
    By ashvamedha yajna

    Question 2.
    They allowed to pass ‘horse’. What did it mean?
    (a) They accepted the raja was stronger
    (b) They accepted the raja was weaker
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these
    They accepted the raja was stronger

    Question 3.
    Who guarded the horse?
    (a) Janas
    (b) Raja’s men
    (c) Ordinary people
    (d) All of these
    Raja’s men

    Question 4.
    Who brought gifts for rulers?
    (a) Vaishyas
    (b) Shudras
    (c) Brahmins
    (d) None of these

    Question 5.
    Where is Hastinapur located?
    (a) Near Delhi
    (b) Near Mumbai
    (c) Near Meerut
    (d) Near Agra
    Near Meerut

    Question 6.
    Where is Purana Qila situated?
    (a) Delhi
    (b) Agra
    (c) Kolkata
    (d) None of these

    Question 7.
    About 2,500 years ago what turned into Mahajanapadas?
    (a) Ordinary janapadas
    (b) Important janapadas
    (c) Both (a) and (6)
    (d) None of these
    Important janapadas

    Question 8.
    About 2,500 years ago where was Kaushambi situated?
    (a) Kurukshetra in Haryana
    (b) Allahabad in UP
    (c) Chandigarh in Punjab
    (d) None of these
    Allahabad in UP

    Question 9.
    In what mode were the payments made?
    (a) Punch marked coins
    (b) Paper notes
    (c) Gold coins
    (d) Silver coins
    Punch marked coins

    Question 10.
    Why did the rulers collect regular taxes?
    (a) For building huge forts
    (b) For maintaining big armies
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of these
    Both (a) and (b)

    Question 11.
    How did herders pay taxes?
    (a) Forest products
    (b) Animals and animal products
    (c) By labouring
    (d) None of these
    Animals and animal products

    Question 12.
    Why was the river Ganga important for people?
    (a) For transport
    (b) For water supply
    (c) For making land fertile
    (d) All of these
    All of these

    Question 13.
    Who could not participate in the assemblies?
    (a) Women
    (b) Dasas
    (c) Kammakaras
    (d) All of these
    All of these

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